Chapter 10

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Sorry for all the late updates. School started about a month ago and I've been stuck doing homework every single weekday/weekend. I've made a plan though. Whenever I have free time, I'll write bit by bit.  It may take a few days, maybe even a week. But it's better than waiting a month for a new chapter, right? Anyways, enjoy this chapter! Again, sorry to keep you guys so anxious! (: - Whitknee

Chapter 10

While heading to work, I couldn't help but think about what Christofer said on Breakfast Television. Did he really mean those things he said about me? Just the thought of it made me get more butterflies. Speaking of butterflies, I've never had so many in my entire life. Christofer is the only person who's made me feel like this. Josh has given me butterflies, but not as much as Christofer. Is this a sign that Christofer is the one? If that's what my gut is trying to tell me, I wasn't going to let him go. I was going to chase after him and make sure that he's mine. I'm not going to let anyone stop me. Not Alyssa, not Miranda, and definitely not Josh. I'll fight for what or who I love. 

Just as I was about to walk into Starbucks, I looked across the street. Breakfast Television was still on. I could clearly see Dina talking to the cameras. Obviously Christofer wasn't there but I was assuming he'd still be in the building. I looked at my phone so I could check the time. I had another hour until my shift started. It wouldn't hurt to go over to BT and ask if Christofer was around, would it? Without a doubt, I walked straight to their building. Before I could cross the street, Josh started calling me. Are you serious right now?! I picked it up, just to know what the hell he wanted from me.

"Josh, didn't I say to leave me alone?" 

"I know, I just need to ask you something." 

"Make it quick, I don't have much time." 

"I don't know if you were watching Breakfast Television, but some guy named Christofer was talking about you." He explained. I rolled my eyes. Yeah, like I didn't know about this.

"Who is he?" He asked.

"I did see it and why do you care? It doesn't even matter." 

"Uh, it does matter. I don't want any other guys after you. No one else should have you, except me." That just pissed me off. 

"No Josh! No one else should have me, except for Christofer. What don't you fucking understand about leave me alone? I'm done with you. Quit trying to get back with me, when I don't want to get back with you." I hung up. 

I was so done with his bullshit. I don't have time for him. Christofer was the only one stuck on my mind and I had to see him right now. Looking both sides of the street, I jaywalked across. I had no patience waiting the cross-walk to change. I ran inside the building but before I could approach Dina, a security guard stopped me. 

"Excuse me ma'am, but what do you think you're doing?" He asked, with his dark deep tone voice. Which got me thinking, why do all security guards have a deep voice? 

"Sorry for barging in but I need to see Christofer Drew. Is he still here?!" 

"Oh, you're one of those fans. Well sorry we're a bit full right now. You'll have to wait outside." He lead me towards the exit. I tried fighting back.

"No, you don't understand! I'm not a fan! My name is Trinity! You see, Christofer was talking about me this -" He cut me off.

"Yeah yeah, that's what every girl tried to tell me. I don't believe it." He pushed me out the door. 

I don't believe this. I can't even get inside Breakfast Television. Since I couldn't get inside, I decided to head back to Starbucks. I wasn't giving up. I just thought I would come back a little bit later, when the crowd disappears. While walking to back to Starbucks, I thought that texting Christofer would help. Since I couldn't see him, I could try texting him to see where he is. As I was approaching Starbucks, the memory of meeting Christofer Drew came back to mind. I remember it perfectly. He had a fur hat on, covered in tattoos, skinny, and was about 5'10. He gave me a tissue because I was crying over Josh. Before walking inside, I stopped at the very spot I was sobbing at. Replaying his words and actions over and over made me realize that Christofer isn't a bad person. Sure, he lead me on but at least I wasn't the one getting cheated on. If I was, I wouldn't be searching for him right now. Plus, he broke up with Miranda so chasing after him makes sense.

The store manager came outside, noticing me daydream about the past. A minute after, I looked up at him, realizing that he was staring at me. Well, that's kind of awkward.

"You know Trinity, you don't have to wait outside until your shift starts." 

"Oh, I wasn't waiting sir. I was just.. thinking about something." We both walked inside the store.

"Ah, I see. Is it about a guy?" He asked. 

"Yeah. Typical, huh?" 

"No, it's understandable. You're a girl. It's bound to happen whether you like it or not." I smiled at him. At least he knows what I'm talking about. 

"Speaking about boys, some guy came in earlier asking for you. I told him you weren't coming in for another hour." He explained. Omg, Josh just doesn't understand the meaning of leave me alone.

"Who was it? Do you know?" I asked.

"I don't know. He didn't tell me his name. All I know is that he was wearing a fur hat, and was pretty damn skinny. Not to mention he was covered in tattoos. Looked pretty cool to me."  Could it be... Christofer?!

My eyes lit up. "Why didn't you tell him to wait?!" 

"I tried, but he said he couldn't wait. He's going to Montreal for some show. Some band called Never Shout Never." There we go! 

YES, IT'S DEFINITELY CHRISTOFER! I needed to get out of work for the day. I hope my manager understands. It's just for one day anyways, I'll be back tomorrow.

 "Sir, is it okay if I take the day off? I desperately need to see that guy!" I put my hands together and begged. 

"Just by looking at your eyes, I can tell this is important to you. See you tomorrow, buddy." He patted my shoulder and smiled.

"Oh my gosh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I hugged him and ran outside. 

Before I could do anything, I needed to think. How was I supposed to get to Montreal? I can't drive and I don't have enough money to take a train. I took out my phone and went through my contact list. Who's really close to me and has a good driving record? I saw Alyssa's name but she wouldn't want to help me right now. Not after our argument. I scrolled lower and noticed a familiar name. Kerah, where have I heard that name before? It sounds so familiar. I thought about it for a good minute and it suddenly rang a bell!

Kerah, was an old friend from elementary school and high school. We were so close until University happened. We drifted apart and barely spoke. Thank god before University started, she gave me her number. We text on a monthly basis, but it's not the same. Hopefully, if Kerah helps me out, she can do some catching up. I decided to give her a call. She answered after the second ring.


"Kerah! I need your help!"

"Trinity, is that you?" She asked.

"Yes, it is! I've got no time to talk though." 

"What's wrong?" 

"Say.. would you like to go to Montreal with me?" I grinned.

Sorry for the cliffhanger guys! This is all the updating I'm doing for now. Maybe next weekend, I'll update again. For now, you'll have to wait haha. - Whitknee

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