17. Jason's Story

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Friday September 3

Maya's P.O.V.

"Ok, so I don't really know how to explain, but I have to start somewhere so here it goes.  This school year has been pretty tough for me.  I guess I just been really upset with what's been happening and took it out on you and Dylan and I'm sorry for that."

"What do you mean what's been happening?" I ask Jason now engrossed in the conversation.

"Uh..  Just some family things."

I stare into his face and I can see that something is bothering him.  His normally care free or angry face is now full of worry.  Is his mom ill or something?  After staring at him for a little, he looks away.  I place my hand on his knee and he meets my gaze again.

"Jason...  Is your mom ok?"

"Yeah... for now.." he trails off.

"Jason, you can trust me.  I promise.  I can tell you need to talk about it.  Just bottling it up hasn't gotten you very far has it?"

He shakes his head.  "I..."  I give him a reassuring nod and he continues.  "You probably never heard anything about my dad, have you?"  I shake my head.  "That's because..  he used to abuse me when I was little.  I was always going to the hospital and I'd have to lie to my mom about my injuries.  One day, I finally had enough and had enough courage to tell my mom.  She believed me right away.  She divorced my dad and then made sure she called the police.  He's been in jail up till the start of this school year.  Now he's free and he's been..." Jason looks away and I see tears coming down his face.

Wow!  I found out so much about Jason's past in just this small chat.  I never knew that Jason didn't have a good childhood.  I just assumed his mom and dad got divorced because things weren't working out, not because he was hurting Jason.  The tears is just more proof of how bad he had it.  I feel like I might even start to cry!  I get up and grab him some tissues.  He takes a few moments to get a hold of himself before he continues.

 "He's been harassing me.  I don't know how he has my cell number or anything, but he keeps telling me that he's going to come after my mom and me.  I won't let it happen though.  My dad's a jerk and my mom has done nothing wrong to him."  He stares me in the eyes.  "Can we keep this a secret?"

"Sure.  Who all doesn't know?"

"Everyone basically except for Dylan's parents."

"Dylan doesn't know?"

"No..  He knows that some bad things happened to me as a kid, but he doesn't know the full details or anything.  I guess that's why Dylan always pitied me.  He's a really good guy you know?"

I nod and I feel tears coming down my face now.  It's just so terrible!  Jason never had a fatherly figure because his dad was always being a jerk to him and beating him up!

It's now Jason's turn to grab some tissues for me.  He gently wipes away my tears. 

"You shouldn't cry you know?  Just because of what happened to me.."

I'm still sobbing a little.  "It's just so sad.."

"Yeah..  so that's basically why I've been a jerk lately.  I know it's no excuse, but I've never really been one to be able to control my feelings or handle two things at once.  I guess that's why I was acting mean to everyone and arrogant.  I never really thought that I was hurting anyone at first...  and the whole thing with you and Dylan..  I was jealous because Dylan always had the good life.  He never went through anything like I did and I guess I just wanted to take something from him so he could understand my pain.  I really am sorry though.  To both you and Dylan.  I'm working on changing, but I'm going to need both of your help."

It all makes sense now!  Well, not completely, but I can sort of understand why he acted like he did.  He was confused, scared, and lost.  He didn't know what to do and it just kind of took over him.

"It's ok Jason.  I forgive you.  I'll help you at too.  I'm glad that you realized you were behaving like a jerk." 

"Thanks Maya!  I promise that I'll behave from now on.  I'll change.  Now that you and Dylan are helping me it should be somewhat more easier than me doing it on my own."

I smile at him.  I'm really glad that he caught that what he was doing was wrong and now he's going to try and change.  It's a big step, but I'm thinking he can do it with the help of Dylan and me.

"So, you already apologized to Dylan?"

"Yeah.. I was going to talk to you first, but I couldn't reach you."

"Yeah... I was still kind of mad and decided not to answer the phone."

"Ah.. well I don't blame you.  Anyway, one final question.  Will you go to the party with me, as friends?  We could start all over and everything."

I give him a big smile.  "I'd like that very much."

"Good.  We should probably get going because the party starts soon."

He holds out his arm to me and I lock my arm with his.  "This is a side of you I'd never thought I'd see."

He chuckles.  "Well I'm trying to change remember?  I wasn't all bad before you moved here, at least I hope not.  I'm sure Dylan would've told me..  Anyway, I'll just worry about that stuff later.  My mom is at work with a lot of people there to keep her safe and therefore, tonight we shall have fun."

Huh.  Jason Arnold is finally making the big change to grow up and mature.  So far, I can happily say that I like the new Jason.  He's a lot less bad boy and more... Jason, if that makes any sense.

Author's Note

Aww!  How cute right?  I think so.  I definitely think that Maya and Dylan are pretty forgiving people, but that's why I like them.  Any thoughts?  Or not?  Thanks for reading! ~ Christine

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