22. Jason's Rise To The Top

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Saturday September 4

Jason's P.O.V.

"I think we should watch a movie," Maya says.

"Way to change the subject, Maya.  Aw your blushing."

Dylan rolls his eyes at me.  "Ok, I've heard enough about you going shirtless today," he says giving me a scolding look. 

I shrug my shoulders innocently.  "Whatever.  So we're going to watch a movie?"

"Yep.  Let's watch..  Twilight!" Maya shouts throwing her arms in the air.

Dylan and I both look at each other both thinking, "What the heck?"

"Yeah..no," Dylan says.

"I second that."

She rolls her eyes at both of us.  "Only real guys watch Twilight."

"Or weird ones," Dylan suggests.

"Fine.  What do you guys want to watch then?"

"Two words.  Harry Potter," I answer her with my best British accent.

"All the way!" Dylan woots.

"Fine fine.  Have it your way."

With the decision made to watch Harry Potter we decided to watch "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince."  Dylan puts in the movie while Maya turns out the light.  The movie has been playing for around 2 minutes when I feel my phone vibrate.

I look over at Maya and Dylan, neither of them seem to notice my distraction, so I open my phone to read the text. 

Want to hang out sometime soon?? 

I reread the text a little surprised.  It's from Trisha Shaak.  Trisha is a senior at our school as well as captain of the cheer leading squad.  She gets whatever she wants, well except for good grades.  I'm not really a big fan of Trisha's especially since that one time when we had a little fling going on.  Other than that we never talked.

Sure.  When and where?

I'm surprised by the response I just texted her.  Do I really want to go out on another date with the girl I caught cheating on me?  Well I guess technically we weren't dating, but we had a mutual agreement not to be with other people.  I guess Maya and Dylan really are rubbing off on me.

Trisha quickly responds back, but this time Maya catches me on my phone.  She raises her eyebrows at me and I wonder what's going through her head.  Sometimes I think if I could have one super power, it would definitely be able to read people's minds, but then maybe that wouldn't be a good idea.  I mean, I could cause a lot of trouble with that power I'm sure.  Sometimes curiosity gets the better of me.

I look back at her, attempting to read her mind.  Nope.  Not working.  Not a clue.  She shakes her head and turns back to the movie so I turn my attention back to my cell phone.

What about today at the Sweet Spot Cafe?

Hmm..  Just as I'm considering I get another text from someone else and then another.  Gosh.  Since when am I this popular?

I heard what you did!  You're such a hero, Jason!  Let's hang out sometime soon and finish our unfinished business.  ;)

Ew.  Claire really needs to take a hint.  Didn't I already tell her 'no'?  How can I make this anymore easier for her to understand? 

Look Claire.  It's not going to work out.  I'm sorry, but that's how it is.

I then text Trisha back and tell her I can meet with her later today.

As soon as I put my phone away, it starts vibrating like crazy.  What's going on?  Is it like mass text Jason day?  I pull it out again, and start checking my in box.  By now, I'm not paying attention and neither is Maya, but Dylan is completely clueless. 

She mouths, "Is everything ok?" to me.  I nod my head and start looking through the texts.

You're so handsome!  Can we go on a date this week? ;)  ~ Amanda

Hey!  Hey!  It's your favorite person in the world! ~ Jenna

After sorting through at least 20 different text from various people, some of which I didn't even know went to my school, I come across someone that I actually wouldn't mind talking to.  Lily.  Lily Gates is in my grade, but doesn't go my school anymore.  We used to be best friends in elementary and middle school and then she moved away last year. 

Hey J.A.!  Guess what?  I MIGHT be moving back home?  How awesome is that??  Anyone, we need to chat ASAP!!  Love, your best friend

I smile at my phone.  The last time I saw Lily was about 3 months ago.  After reading the news that she's moving back, I almost jump out of my seat with joy.  It would be great if she would be back..  Lily always understood me, even when I was a jerk, and now that I'm changing..  maybe for once we might become more than friends.

I remember when we were in 9th grade.  I had the hugest crush on here, and I almost asked her out, but then at the last second, I chickened out.

Maya's P.O.V.

I'm trying to watch the movie, but I keep getting distracted by Jason's weird behavior.  He seemed like he wanted to watch the movie, but now he's too engrossed in whatever is on his phone.  I start running through the possibilities in my head.  Is it his mom?  His dad?  He doesn't seem upset though.  I turn back to the movie and then a few minutes later I look back at him and he seems so happy.

The only thing that I can think of that is making him so happy that he's seeing on his phone is that he's communicating with a girl.  As soon as I make the realization, I feel not only guilt, but also a bit of jealousy.  I guess I really am starting to like Jason again.. and now it might just get a whole lot more complicating with another girl thrown into the mix.

 Author's Note

Ok, so I made a very minor change in my cast.  (I switched who plays who for Jason and Dylan because I realized that it works better this way now.)  Thanks for reading!

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