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Lauren's (p,o,v)

It has officially been a week since camila last been to school. Its also been a week since the guys left. I stop by the apartment every day to check up on her but she is always just laying in bed. I go and try to feed her but she just pushes it away. It seems to me she eats some of it when I leave or she would have died of hunger and/or dehydration. Camila also doesn't answer any of the boys skype calls, so they call me to check up on things.
I'm sitting in my desk waiting for class to start. Right when the bell rang camila bursts in,  out of breath.
"Miss cabello nice for you to finally, join us again" Ms. Stein said gesturing to the empty desk next to mine
"damn those stairs killed me" camila greeted while sitting down
"i'm so glad you're finally out of bed" I smiled at her
"I know me too. I seriously needed a nice hot shower" camila chuckled
"girls please i'm trying to teach a class" Ms. stein smiled at us trying not to lose her cool. we nodded and kept quiet.
"so what have I missed?" camila asked as we walked down to lunch
"not much just homework?" I answered she just nodded
"how are the boys?" camila finally asked once we sat down at our table with our food
"worried" I answered with a weak smile
"I texted ashton that I was fine this morning" she said taking a bite from her sandwich
"are you?" I asked. Camila has been acting all bizarre
"magnificent" she answered taking another bite of her sandwich. She's lying but I let it go, she might not be ready to talk
We walked our separate ways to our last period once lunch was over.
'Have you talked to camila?' I texted ashton as I walked to class
'she texted me but i'm going to call her later' ashton replied quickly
'she's acting strange. Call you later xx' I texted as I sat down in my desk.

Camila's (p.o.v)

"miss Cabello glad to see you again" Jeff the teacher greeted
"glad to be back" I said with a smile while I sat by Shawn
"Hey" I quickly glanced at Shawn and turn my attention to the front
"Hey, i thought you transferred so you could get away from me" shawn responded
"I tried but they just sent me right back" I said and we both chuckled. The teacher then said to work with our partners to do the experiment.
"we should hang out" Shawn said Casually after a couple of minutes working on the lab
"I would but my schedule is 'so' busy" I said sarcastically
"oh come on i bet you can make room for me?" shawn playfully begged
"hmm I guess I can squeeze you in tomorrow after school" I snickered
"Sounds like a plan" Shawn smiled at me and i couldn't help but slightly giggle. At that moment the bell rang
"see you later Shawn" I pardon myself meeting with lauren at the exit
"you ready?" Lauren was already waiting for me. I nodded and we walked home in silence. I'm scared if I talk she might ask how i'm really doing and I'm not doing really good but what can I do about it? Nothing just suck it up and deal with life.
"is it ok if I go get chinese? i'll see you at the apartments" I said pointing at the opposite direction. Lauren nodded as a response. I arrived and ordered my food and as I was waiting my phone started ringing. Ashton. Nope not right now.
"They don't know about the thing we do they don't know about the I love you's but I bet-" I started to sing as I walked out the shop with my food but got stopped
"Hey you're really good" a voice came from behind me
"Thanks" I said as I turn to face the person
"Camila" I introduced myself while sticking my hand out
"Selena" she said shaking my hand
"Nice to meet you" I said with a smile
"Nice to meet you too" she responded
"I best be off" I said
"Wait I know it's weird but can I have your number you seem like a genuine nice person" Selena asked with a smile I nodded, gave her the number, said goodbye, and continued walking home.
"I got Chinese!" I yelled as I walked in and shut the door with my foot
"Camila" four voices said at the same time
"Oh hey guys" I said with a smile. I had to play it cool. Their faces changed.
"Can we talk?" Ashton asked
"We are silly" I smirked
"Camila" Luke said sternly. I couldn't help but just laugh. I been doing that a lot just laugh at everything.
"Camila?" Lauren looked at me funny but I was still laughing but now tears were running down my cheek because of how hard I was laughing.
"Camila what the hell?" Michael asked. I slowly stopped laughing and wiped the tears away
"You guys are funny" I said opening a box of the take out
"We didn't say anything funny" Ashton said in a serious voice. I was chewing on a shrimp trying to swallow it so I could speak
"Of course you did." I chuckled
"Camila we aren't fucking playing. We are really trying to talk to you" Luke yelled at me for the first time in his life. I looked up from my food to the screen. I could feel all the anger explode
"Don't you dare yell at me. Don't you fucking dare try to talk to me like I'm your little bitch don't you fucking dare. I get I'm a charity case but you have no fucking right to treat me like that. What human being leaves without saying good bye and have the audacity to try to apologize over a fucking text.. Oh my god seriously" I said smirking at the end. Karla Camila Cabello you are loosing your marbles.
"Camila." Ashton started but I narrowed my eyes at the screen
"We gotta go! Me and Lauren have a lot of things to catch up on. bye" I said quickly and closing the laptop
"Camz?" Lauren looked at me with concern
"I'm ok" I said looking at her straight in the eyes with a smile. Since when did I become such a good actor?

A/N: excuse my spelling and grammar errors. Thanks for reading. I Love you all for reading.

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