Ch. 19

15 1 3

Camila (p.o.v)

Lauren and I spent the entire time talking about how Ashton and her are falling for eachother. It's nice seeing her so happy.

"So how are you and luke?" Lauren asked

"There is no luke and I" I responded while taking a sip from my cup

"I thought you guys agreed on giving it a try" Lauren looked confused

"I did too but not everything works out as plan." I gave her a weak smile

"hold up it's Shawn" I paused our conversation when my phone ranged

"Yes?" I answered the phone

"hey I was calling to see how you're doing" I could hear in Shawn voice that he wanted to talk but I'm busy

"oh hey hmm i'm good but i'm kinda busy right now but see you tomorrow ok?" I said nicely

"ok sure" he sounded disappointed but I hung up

"Shawn? Shawn Mendes?" Lauren asked

"yea? why?" I raised an eyebrow

"Shawn? the famous singer. how do you attract celebrities?" Lauren looked amazed

"no he isn't" I chuckled

"Why would he go to our school?" I question

"cause he wanted something normal in his life so he enrolled in our private school" Lauren answered

"how come people don't attack him?" I asked trying to see if she is lying

"Because everyone in our school are spoiled rich kids" she easily answered. I shrugged in defeat

"i'm off to bed" I said walking to my room

"alright i'm going to stay up a bit longer" she smiled. I nodded and shut the door behind me


The next morning I notice lauren wasn't there so I got ready for school

"Morning" I smiled at Lauren as I sat down in my desk

"hey sorry I left so early. My parents called and we're having a family emergency. I won't be able to come over later as well" Lauren looked upset

"Is everything ok?" I asked

"yea nothing to worry about" I nodded and we turned to face the teacher

"Good Afternoon best friend" I said with a smile as I sat down by shawn. I can't wait for this class to be over so I can go get real food.

"Hey beautiful" Shawn lightly chuckled in response. I couldn't help but blush

"now you two love birds listen up to the instructions" jeff the teacher interrupted. We nodded and let him finish the directions for today's lab.

"alright now you may talk to each other" jeff pointed toward our direction. We chuckled and worked on our lab.

"so what do you want to do?" I asked as we walked out of class together

"I don't know what do you usually do after school?" Shawn asked

"Go home, eat food, watch movies or tv- shows I like mixing it up sometime" I shrugged

"Sounds fun why don't we just do that?" Shawn suggested

"Fine. What do you want to get for food?" I asked

"Mexican food?" he suggested

"Yes!" I said excitedly. We walked to the nearest mexican restaurant and ordered our food

"So why did you miss a week of school?" shawn asked while we sat down to wait for our food

"In a short summery, My best friends left me" I responded with a weak smile

"Isn't lauren your best friend?" he asked

"Girl best friend" as I answered they called out our number

"I'm sorry for what you been through, If it helps" Shawn said as we grabbed our food and headed towards the door.

"So I heard you're famous" I said as we entered the car

"You didn't know?" he quickly glanced at me as we drove to my house

"No" I shrugged

"Well I don't think I'm famous. I just did my first album. I'm just starting off" he said as I pointed towards the parking entrance to my apartment.

"Well you have fans so it counts as famous" I shrugged as he parked the car.

" Your apartment most cost you a fortune" Shawn said as he scans the apartment

"You should see the inside" I said as we walked toward the elevator. I pressed on my floor number and turned to face shawn.

"Like what you see" I joked as I noticed him checking me out. He turned red and turned his head away from me. At that moment we had arrived on my floor.

"Saved by the bell" I said as we walked out the elevator toward my door

"Woah nice! How much money do your parents make?" shawn asked while I closed the door behind us

"I don't live with my parents" I said as walked towards the kitchen to get us glasses

"How can you afford this" Shawn said from the living room

"I don't pay for it that's how" I said as I walked back into the living room. I poured our drinks and we started to eat.

"A gal with secrets. Interesting" Shawn smiled. I smirked back and we continued with our hang out. But I couldn't help but feel like this was a date.

"Oh man it's late" we had lost track of time when shawn quickly glanced at his phone. I didn't want him to go. He made me feel safe and comfortable. He was standing there smiling at me, waiting for me to answer. I moved in closer towards him and wrapped his arms around my waist. I'm waiting for him to lean forward

"I should really go" he whispered. He was so close that I could feel his breath on my lips. I bit my bottom lip.

"I think it's time for you to go" A loud stern voice came from the door. I could recognize that voice anywhere so before Shawn could turn towards the door I leaned in. His lips were soft. But I felt nothing. We pulled away and I turned towards the door.

"Welcome Home" I smiled

A/N: Hey sorry I lied. I know i said a week and not half a year I just been so busy getting my life on track but If anyone is still reading thank you for everything and excuse my grammer and spelling. 

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