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Camila (p.o.v):

The worst type of cry is the one when your lips start to shake and tears build up quickly and fall fast. You’re bent over or crouched trying to suck it in and not make any noise but it hurts too much to hold it in so you let out a yelp and a cry, then comes the loss of breath which sucks because not only you’re crying out loud but you think you sound dumb for not breathing too. But You want to know the saddest part is that this is the only type of cry i know of. You might be wondering who is this poor old sap. Well my name is Karla Camila Cabello But i only use my middle name.


“karla Hurry the fuck up or you will be fucking late” and that scary person is my mother. She isn't what you call a good mother. Im the house maid that she like to treat me like a dirty rag and i'm also the only one that works. My dad left her the day he found out she was having an affair with one of her old boyfriends and because i was the one who caught her well she blames me for her loss.


“coming!’ i yelled back i was just finishing up folding the laundry


“who the fuck do you think you are to yell at me” my mother yelled when she stormed in. After that i felt a burning sensation on my cheek so i immediately cupped it with my hands and whimpered at the pain

“i’m sorry mom” i said trying to hold back the tears


“ what did you call me?” she said back with her stern voice. well the only voice she ever talks to me with


“i’m sorry ma'am” i corrected myself. she scolded me, rolled her eyes and walked out


“kids hurry up breakfast is ready” my mom yelled from the kitchen with the loving voice she used to talk to me but she wasn't talking to me but my little brother and sister.

“coming!” they both yelled and ran to the kitchen. Once I place the folded Lundry away I walked to the kitchen. I haven't eaten in a week or so, and i’m starving


“Karla what did i say about you coming in the kitchen” my mom gritted through her teeth and tightened her jaw


“i-i i’m just really hungry ma'am” i said looking down avoiding eye contact, i could hear her walking towards me


“well then i would offer something but-” she said with a fake nice voice then she grabbed my chin squishing my cheeks just to look up at her

“you are already running late so get to fucking work.. i told you to never make me mad in front of your siblings. just watch when you get home” she warned and pushed me away. I walked out grabbing my stuff and started walking to work.


“Camila you're late! again!” my boss yelled from the back as i walked in


“i’m so sorry please.. please don’t fire me” i said positioning my hands together,  beginning to beg for my job, because everytime i get fired my mom beats me even more that causes me to end up having to walk to the hospital. This is my 10th different job and i just turn 16. I been working here for a couple of weeks.


“Camila i’m not going to fire you you don't have to beg every time just please try harder to get here on time” my boss said wrapping an arm around my shoulder and giving my a side hug. Like that one reassuring hug  my dad gave me the day he left.


“i’m sorry is that i really need this job” i said in a low voice looking down


“i know, i know. now come on get clocked in” he said giving me a light pat on the back and i had to hold back the whimper, For thats where my mom hit me last night and i was bruised and scarred.


“hi welcome to In N Out. how can i help you with tonight” i said as i looked up from the cashier as i heard someone walk up


“hi and i would like four cheese burger combo's" a blonde/brunette guy that had his hair up in a quiff and had a piercing on his lip said with an Australian accent


“alright. will that be all?” i asked while typing his order on the cashier screen


“hmm..oh yea can i also have your number?” he said giving me a smirk and i chuckled and shook my head


“i dont think so but have a good day” i said with a smile and handed him his food


“that’s a shame but thank you for the food and you too” he said with a puppy dog fac and he took his food and walked.


“camila time to clock out” my boss said once my shift was over which i didn't want to cause i know whats waiting for me at home

“Karla is that you?” i heard my moms asked  from her room as i walked in


“yes ma’am” i said from the door scared


“finally you stupid bitch” i heard my mom stomp her way from her room


“please im sorry don’t hurt me” i said backing up and putting my hands up in defense which i know makes her even more infuriated, yet i still do it

“what the fuck did i tell you about doing that” she said yanking me from my her and pulled me up the stairs to my room, slamming me on the floor

“Don’t you ever interrupt breakfast again” she said in between kicks that made the bruises from last night even worse making me whimper again


“stop being a bitch and stop fucking cry!” she yelled kicking harder and out of no where a flash of anger rose up inside me which usually doesn't, i just take it.


“No! im going to cry if i feel like it” i said trying to get up, crawling away from her while she was in her shocked state. I got support from my desk to help myself up.


“what did you just say to me!?” she yelled taking a step foward


“what you fucking heard! are you deaf?  i’m done with your shit i lost all my only friends, my social life, my childhood, my style, my father! you fucking whore” i said and spat at her face. I grabbed the packed bags under my bed that i pack every morning incase this ever happened


“let’s see how you take care of your children” i said and walked out. i dont want to leave them behind but she never laid a hand on them and they also hit me when i didn't do there stuff right and they also had permission or else my mom would hit me.

“please god help me” i whispered. I was walking on the sidewalk while looking down and crying ignoring everything around me. To my luck it started raining. After many streets later i felt someone grab me and shake me, but i didn't hear anything it was all just mumbles but at this point i didn't care if they raped or killed or kidnapped me i just want to disappear.

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