Ch. 16

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Luke (p.o.v):

"A Month... all I have is month" Camila murmured before losing control. I stopped circling around the room, to sit next to her and held her

"Camila, please stop crying. It hurts seeing you like this" i cooed while gently rocking her

"They can't take you guys... no... please don't leave me. Not you too" she held me tight and quietly cried into my chest

"we aren't going anywhere without you... never... I'll always be right beside you.. I promise" I promised once again. I held her tighter and let her cry.

"I quit the band" my head shot up to see Ashton standing in the middle of the room.we all stood quiet until Camila pulled away and walked over to him. She scanned him with a weird expression on her face, She then slapped him across the face.

"Have you become insane? you are not leaving the band" Camila said in a stern voice

"Camila we can't all just abandon you. One of us at least has stay"

"Lauren is. I'll be fine, of course it hurts seeing you guys leave but I knew this day will come sooner or later, So please lets make the best out of this month." Camila gave Ashton those wondering eyes that possess you.

"Ashton please clear your head before you assassinate someone." Calum tried to calm him but he just shrugged his hand away

"please Ashton calm down it's okay" Camila lied.

"That's the thing camilla. It's not okay." I butt in "We can't just leave you after you just found us." I finished.

"okay you're right this is horrible and i don't want to lose you but guys, I'm going to be fine. You guys can Facetime me, call me, and visit me once a month. And that's all i need" Camila assured us with a smile. We all nodded our heads while smiling and hugged her in a big group hug.

"I want ice cream" Camila whispered loud enough for all of us to hear. We all laughed.

"we'll go get your ice cream stay here with Lauren and find a good movie" Ashton said while basically pushing us out the door.

Camila (p.o.v)

"Alright now that the boys are gone, tell me how you actually feel about them leaving." Lauren said bluntly. I gave her a fake smile

"I'm frustrated because there isn't any words to explain how I feel" I said trying to hold my tears back

"I'm going to be here for you Camila. You know that right?" Lauren hugged me. Holding me tight

"I know. thank you" I said hugging her back

"love you" she said

"love you too" i said and we tighten the hug then let go.

"now you tell me what's up with you and Ashton?" I said while we both sat down

"I don't know we have this awkward moments. Like he wants to say something but he doesn't" she said slightly shrugging

"He'll probably say something soon" I said grabbing her hand to reassure her

"I hope he does" She said as the boys walked in with bags of junk food and pizza. We all sat around the living room and started the movie "World War Z". Five movies later and everyone had fallen asleep. Calum's head was on Michael's shoulder and Michael's head was on Calum's head. Lauran was using Ashton's lap as a pillow as she was laid across the couch. Ashton leaned his head back and was sleeping seated up. I was seating on the other couch while Luke used my lap as a pillow laying down across the couch as well. I started playing Luke's hair once the movie was over. Luke started to move and sat up.

"sorry I didn't mean to wake you I just wanted to play your hair" I whispered

"It's fine princess" he said with a raspy voice. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. I gave him a faint smile as a response.

"aren't you tired?" Luke said while stretching

"no i kind of want to go out for a walk." i whispered while standing up and stretching

"i'll go with you." he said standing a following me to the door.

"how are you doing" I asked as we walked down the hall to the elevator.

"I'm-..... I'm just happy i have you with me right now" He answered while grabbing my hand. I smiled as I felt the same butterflies in my stomach. We continued walking until we were on the beach. We removed our shoes and walked on the shore while talking.

"we should head back" I said. we're laying on the sand and we've been talking for hours.

"yea i guess" he said standing up then helping me up. we were walking back when he stopped.

"what's wrong" i said turning to face him. He scanned my face hesitating if he should say something. We were face to face when he cupped my face with his hands. I closed my eyes, and he kissed the top of my forehead and pulled me into the most meaningful hugs i have ever received.

"promise me you won't leave me" Luke whispered in my ear. Sending chills down my back

"I promise" I said   

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