Chapter Twenty

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They walked over to the large iron gates to see a buzzer so, Veronica pushed the button and seconds later a voice came through
" hello Radley Santorum, how can I help?"
" my daughter Lauren Hastings is checking in today" there was a seconds silence " great thank you i will buzz you in" the gates opened and they walked through the gates and up the steps and pushed the doors open to be greeted by the large reception desk.
" hello Lauren Hastings?" The receptionist asked sweetly " yes that's right" Peter Hastings said glancing around at the dull grey hospital walls with no sign on colour in sight.
" Dr Robinson will be with you, if you want to take a seat"
Veronica and Peter chose to sit down but, lolly however remained standing as she weakly walked around looking at the dull signs that were stuck to the walls and had been there since the place opened.
Peter and Veronica looked at Lolly as she walked around acing backwards and forwards " lolly sweetheart why don't you come and sit down" Veronica patted the empty seat next to her.
" No I'm okay" lolly began to feel tired and warn out so she did end up sitting down.
" Lauren, Mr and Mrs Hastings" Dr Robinson said cheerfully.
" ready to get settled in?" Lolly shrugged " like I have a choice" Veronica gave lolly one of her stern glares.
"I'm afraid this is where you leave lolly for a few moments whilst she is entered into out system.
~Lauren PoV~
The nurse behind me gently put her hand on my back and gave me a slight push forward.

"I'll show you to your room, we have to go through a list of things and hopefully be back in time for Lunch"

She led me out of the big square common room to the west hand side to a door that led to a hallway that ran up the west wall going north. The end of the hallway was a dead end with three hallways leading off on the left side, all labelled alphabetically A, B and C.

Taking me down the first one to one of the last rooms, where my name had already been labelled on the door. Pushing open the wooden door the nurse began to speak.

"This is the west wing where we keep the girls, and the boys are on the East wing. With the common room you saw before between the stations. Now I'll have to go through your bag and then the list of rules and guidelines. Ready?"

I nodded feeling a little violated as she went through my bag, though this was a safety policy it made me feel nervous, i shouldn't have a reason right. She pulled out my diary and I, naturally reached out to take it.

"Whats this?" Though she knew exactly what it was pulled it out of reach, she looked amused at holding such a personal and precious belonging. Her eyes filled in with wonder when she flipped the book around in her hands. I instantly didn't like her. I could see the temptation in her eyes; she wanted to open it and find every personal detail and embarrass me.

I could tell just by looking at her, that she was a bully. Not the finest person to be a nurse. Her fingers opening to the first page. I snatched the book away holding it protectively to my chest. I did my best to hold back a glare and a few comments, which would have done my father shame if ever heard me utter a single one.

She looked surprised and a little peeved and gave me the 'look' before continuing raiding my bag. Then pulled out the silver box that contained the pictures of my mother, father , Spencer and Melissa, she was confused at first when looking inside of it. All the pictures neatly stacked with dates labelling with some different heading each time. She looked disinterested in them much to my relief.

I thought of my diary and pictures as two very separate things, but nither wanting to be snooped at.

"I'll have to take this"

"What?" Panic rising in my chest, these were years' worth of pictures I had of my family and very personal things, i wasn't going to let some hag take them!

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