Chapter Thirty eight

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Melissa came rushing into the house " my god I've just heard" Melissa's out burst made us jump.
Ian comes rushing in after Melissa and I am so confused I must have hit my head or something because I don't remember this at all.
" what the hell is he doing here?" I bark.
" Look I know it's a bit of a shock me being here and I can go if it is upsetting anyone" Ian said shifting uncomfortably.
" No it's okay stay, some people are going to have to get used to it" Melissa says glaring at me.
Spencer is next to rush through the door " have you guys heard?" We all nod.
" how long do you think she was out there?" Melissa asks glancing round the room.
" I don't know but I know one thing we will find out who did this" Spencer says.
" wait did I miss something here?" Spencer says finally spotting Ian sitting on the arm of the chair next to Melissa.
" okay everyone me and Ian are back together okay , but seriously who could have done that I mean Alison annoyed us to an extent but I never thought someone would kill her" Melissa sighs.
" that's immortality my darlings" Me and Spencer say in unison, I have heard Alison say that so many times in the past and I never really understood what she meant until now.Later that night as I laid in my bed I just laid there staring up at the ceiling as I thought about today's events.
~ A week later ~
Today was Alison's funeral, I laid in bed and and stayed there and didn't t move until mom called for me to get up and once again I didn't move so, mom walked in to my room " your not even up?" Mom sighed.
" why, we've got ages yet mom" I said still not moving.
" have you forgotten what today is?" Mom said standing at the foot of my bed.
" I tried to" I say turning over so my back was to mo.
" Up get up now Lolly" Mom pulled the covers off me.
" okay....okay I'm up Jeez" I groan in annoyance.
"I want you up and dressed in the next 10 minutes" mom says using her stern lawyer voice.
I do as mom asks, I quickly shower not washing my hair it would take too long, once out the shower I start glancing through my clothes. I finally settle on a plain black dress and opt for a pair of Lacey tights and black ballet flats.
I simply style my hair into lose curls and then I head down stairs.
I walk into the kitchen to see Mom, dad and Spencer already dressed and it is obvious that they were waiting for me. I grab myself a cup a of coffee and take a seat at the breakfast bar.
Time soon comes a round and it is time for us to leave for the funeral, our once chatting family we're now quiet which I find rather odd and kind of uncomfortable as my family are usually opinionated but I put it down to what's happening today.
We go in dads are with me and Spencer sitting in the back and mom in the passenger seat. The drive to the funeral was dead silent actually let me rephrase that it was uncomfortably silent. I just glanced out the window the whole journey whilst Spencer played with her hands and occasionally looked out the window. I reached out and took hold of Spencer's hand and gave it a squeeze and this made her smile.
We finally pulled into a parking space and made our way to the church, I linked arms with Spencer and together we walked a head with mom and dad trailing behind. I glance back at them to see they were holding hands and this was  rather odd because my parents never showed any public displays of affection but today I'm guessing was different.
" Spencer look, mom and dad are holding hands" Spencer glances behind her and then turns back to me.
" how weird is that, they never show any affection not even at home" Spencer says as she furrows her brow.
We make it to the church to see Alison's mother and father standing out side the church along with Aria and her parents, Hanna alone and Emily with her parents. We walk over to Alison's parents and tell them how sorry we are for their loss and then me and Spencer walk over to Aria, Emily and Hanna.
We walk into the church " Girls I want you or shall I say Ali would have want you at the front after all your all like family.
Spencer, Aria, Emily and Hanna take their seats at the front whilst I have to sit with mom and dad. Once in our seats Spencer glances at me and mouths ' I'm sorry' to me and I just nod and smile letting her know it's okay and I understand.
Just as it was about to start the church door at the back open with a loud bang and in walks Jenna, I gasp as I never once knew them to be friends. Spencer turns to see what the noise is and I can see from where I am that Spencer also gasps and the girls turn round to catch a glimpse of Jenna before she takes her seat. I catch Spencer's eye and we're share a rather confused glance.
" I had no  idea Alison was friends with Jenna" Mom whispers to dad who just shrugs who clearly doesn't want to en here.
" Pete can you please make more of an effort, this your daughters friends funeral can you at least pretend that you care" mom says bitterly.
" they weren't friends mom , well not that I knew of anyway" I whisper back.
I glance round the over filled room thinking Alison would have loved this attention I just know she would.
Finally the service is done and we walk out of the church, mom and dad stand and have a chat with Emily's parents with Arias parents joining them.
I wonder over to Spencer and the girls " Hey, so weird was that back there? " The girls nod.
" I never knew they were friends" Aria whispers.
" I know neither did we" Emily said and hanna nodded in  agreement.
Spencer's phone chimed , then Emily's. Hanna and Aria's and finally so did mine.

I'm s still here bitches and I know everything -

The girls and I read out our messages in unison the only difference was the girls had know idea who could be sending these messages but I sure did.

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