Chapter fifty eight

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Red coat forced Lolly up off the blanket and dragged her towards a room and shoved her hard into the room, red coat then untied Lolly's arm and legs and then turned and walked away closing the large steel door behind her. Lolly turned to look at her new surroundings but there was nothing but a cold empty bed. Lolly sat on the bed and looked round the room and began to sob.

After several search parties they never did find anything except Lauren's school bag that they handed in to the police and were waiting for the results which they were told would take over 2 weeks for the results which would give them the 100% DNA match to Lauren.

Everyone in Rosewood continued to search every inch of the town and woods and the route Lauren would have taken that fateful day. They sorted into groups of 3 and they searched different areas of the woods when Ashley, Peter and Linda another neighbour ended up in the heart of the woods were a large pond sat with grass and covered in rubbish when Linda saw in the distance that there was something in the pond so she moved closer separating from Ashley and Peter who continued looking moving leafs and whatever would be hiding vital evidence to this case.

Linda edged closer until she saw something white floating in the water of the filthy pond so she moved as close as she could before she would enter the water.

"Ella, Ashley. Come and look at this?" Linda yelled looking at the white object floating in the water.

Was it Lolly? Or was it a piece of Lolly's clothing or is it some else's?

Ashley and Ella rushed over to see what Linda had found until they reached the pond to see something white floating in the pond.

"What do you think it is?" Pam asked holding on to Ashley who moved closer to get a better look only to shrug.

"I think it could be something or even someone" Linda said looking at Pam who just didn't know what to say.

"I think we better tell Peter and everyone about this and then tell the police so that they can search this area" Pam said turning to leave with Linda. Ella and Ashley following closely behind.

Pam told Peter what they found and he told the police instantly and they set up to search the area straight away. The only thing left to do was to wait for the news on what they found until the police told them the news which they dreaded, after several hours later of searching the pond and the object in the pond which turned out to be a white cardigan. The police asked went to the Hastings home to give them the news of what they found in the pond.

"Mr and Mrs Hastings as you know one of your friends found something in the pond which turned out to be a white cardigan which we wish you to take a look at it" the inspector said grabbing a see through evidence bag which contained the white cardigan and slowly and carefully took it out but Veronica got up and stormed into the kitchen with Peter quickly apologising for Veronica's outburst only to leave Spencer in the room with the inspector who looked at her and smiled.

"I'm sorry to have to ask but" the inspector thought about how he asked the question without upsetting Spencer and everyone else.

"Your Lauren's sister, you were close so, could you tell me if you recognise this?" he asked holding up the cardigan so Spencer could see it up close.

Spencer shook her head before she said "I'm sorry that's not Lolly's , she would never wear anything like that" Spencer said feeling her voice quiver as she held back the tears. The officer could see Spencer was not comfortable with this so he reached out and place a hand upon Spencer's hand to give her support which she needed.

"we will get this tested just in case the person who took Lauren was wearing this" the inspector placed the cardigan back into the evidence bag and closed it before she thanked them for their help so far then left the room to Peter and Spencer that Spencer identified the clothing and confirming that it defiantly wasn't Lauren's .

"Thank you, I know how difficult it is for you all right now" the inspector turned and let himself out and took the cardigan with him to the station.

A few days later

It had now been 5 days since Lauren disappeared and she was now headline news on the TV and the radio round the Rosewood area even extending to the whole of Philadelphia and New York.

But on this particular day there was a lead into the Lauren Hastings case because there were images of her on CCTV at Philadelphia train station so the investigation was put on hold until they investigated this lead and confirmed if this young girl was in fact Lauren or not.

So, Veronica was in hope that Lauren was alive and well but this hope was shattered a day later as the police informed Peter and Veronica that the girl at the station was not Lauren but a girl who resembled her appearance and stature and this broke Veronica's heart once again but she never secretly gave up hope that Lauren was alive. The police decided to check Lauren's belongings in her locker at school and interview her friends to see if they knew anything that they shouldn't or that Lauren had told them in confidence.

Spencer was now fed up with the police as they were everywhere she turned. Lauren's disappearance didn't help Spencer at school because every where she turned people were talking about her or about Lauren being her missing sister behind her back. Spencer would see sad glances from girls as she past them in the corridor of the school or looks from parents who would pick their children up from school.

Spencer walked down the corridor to see the police rifling through Lauren's locker taking images for evidence.

"Colin ask the headmistress for the list of students or teachers with the initials MVW or MM" The detective asked as Spencer walked past to glance at the initials engraved in to the door of the locker confused to why they were there as she never knew Lauren liked anyone.

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