Chapter sixty

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The police dropped Spencer home and sat with her whilst they waited for Peter or Veronica to arrive. Spencer sat quietly with her hands on her lap but she kept playing with her fingers which the police could see that Spencer was nervous and shocked after seeing her sister's body lying in the woods in a tree.

10 minutes later Peter and a distraught Veronica walked into the living room. Spencer got up and rushed over to her mother and wrapped her arms around her and held her tight. Veronica held Spencer tight and they both sobbed their hearts out.

"Mr and Mrs Hastings , we have had a crew sent to the woods to see if they could find Lauren's body but, there is no word as of yet but we will let know as soon as we hear anything" Jeff nodded. Jack had been sent home from university after the picture had circulated round the whole school of his sister's body.

"I'm so sorry" peter said feeling tears slip down his face. Peter walked over to Spencer and Veronica and hugged them both and it was then that Peter finally let the tears show after the last week he had been hiding these tears but now was the right time to let them go.

Earlier on~

lolly sat quietly in the car nervously playing with her fingers looking out the car window.

"Do my parents know what you are going to do?" Lolly reached out in front of her  and grabbed the cell phone and dialled her sisters cell only to have the phone snatched out of her hand.

"There's no need to ring them of course they know" the person said to her before they snatched the phone from her and then hit her which caused her to hit her head hard on the side of the car which knocked her out and blood seeped from a large gash on the side of her head.

"Stupid girl" the person shouted unaware that the phone was leaving a voice mail on The cell phone.

Once they reached the destination the person took Lauren out of the car only to check that no one was watching their movements they then took her down into the basement of a newly built house and placed her on a bed and tied her hands and legs up and then left her to carry on their regular duties and their job to keep up appearances. The person smirked to them self knowing and hoping that they were going to get away with this.

Hours later Lauren woke up but only to panic not knowing where she was so she began looking round at the new surroundings. Lauren tried to move but something had been tied on her wrists and feet and Lauren began to sob. Calling out for help but it was no good no one was going to hear her.

"Mom....Dad" Lauren sobbed quietly

Half 5 that afternoon Lauren heard them come back and they were coming this way which made Lauren panic and she tried to move again but it was no use.

"Oh good you're awake"

"You're not going to get away with this" Lauren said trying to hide the fear she felt when they went near her.

"I think I will get away with this and not your mom or dad are going to stop me" they laughed Lauren hated their laugh for she knew this laugh well and every time she would hear that laugh it would send shivers down her spine.

"Night night sleep tight" they said before they bent down to kiss the top of her head.

"get off of me, don't you dare touch me" Lauren tried to move away but she was stuck so the only thing she could do was close her eyes and pretend it was her father kissing her good night on the top of her head like he does every night only not to night which broke Lauren's heart.

The next day Lauren woke to the sound of those loud and annoying shoes clomping down the stairs coming to see her. This time they were carrying breakfast as they came down the stairs.

"Breakfast" they said placing the tray in front of Lauren.

"How am I going to eat it, I'm tied up you moron"

"I was going to untie you but if that's the way you're going to speak to me then well I will have to feed you like a baby" Lauren flinched at the thought of this person holding her captive actually feeding her.

"I'll be good please just untie me, I won't run I promise" they hesitated but nodded and slowly untied her only to tie one of her ankles to the bed with handcuffs which was attached to a long metal chain.

Lauren didn't want to eat but she was so hungry she never had anything to eat since yesterday morning so she wolfed down her breakfast.

"I have to go, I will leave you like this but if you try to escape I will snap your fragile neck in 2" Lauren moved further away from them and watched them go back up stairs and lock the door. It was time for Lauren to try and get away so she looked round the room for something sharp to pick the lock of the chain round her ankle but there was nothing except a few small nails. Lauren climbed the stairs and reached the door only to turn the lock an inch as it was locked. Laure sighed and sat at the top of the stairs for a while before she went and had a lay down dreaming of her family hoping that they missed her as much she missed them. How she would do anything to have one more argument with Spencer or Melissa or to hear her father's laughter or to feel her mother's touch one last time.

The days went by and Lauren lost all hope in being found. She was bought a TV to watch and it was then that she learned her family are doing anything they can to find her. Neighbours were rallying round and everyone from Rosewood was doing as much as they can to get her back home. Lauren saw the CCTV of the girl at the station hoping that her family would notice that wasn't her.

"It's not me, I'm right here" Lauren sobbed as she watched the broadcast hoping that they would see that wasn't her at all.

The day they received the photo from Lauren's phone

The next day Lauren heard them coming down the stairs so she backed away into the corner as far as she could but nothing could protect her. They over powered her and placed a white cloth over her nose and mouth and she was doing her best to turn her head away but whoever were they were strong. Lauren's vision began to slowly blur and her head was spinning before it went blank and all life went out of her.

Once Lauren was out they carried her to the car and took her deep into the woods where no one would look. They then climbed the biggest oak tree with a lip Lauren in their  arms and her arms swaying lifelessly over their shoulder. They then laid her out on to a branch and arranged the way she looked. They wiped away the dry bloody on the side of her in case if left evidence in the tree which would leave them to the case. They then climbed down from the tree and took out Lauren's  mobile and took a picture of her and sent it to every number on her phone hoping that her parents would receive the picture along with everyone at Rosewood High school. They smirked as they took a look at the picture of their handy work before putting the phone back in their  pocket and climbed back up and took Lauren down and took her back to the car and back to the basement feeling satisfied that it would break her family's heart to see her like this lifeless and to the untrained eye she looked dead.

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