Chapter Fifty Five

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( this chapter is dedicated to pll_adventures  who has been very supportive and so this is you for you as promised and thanks for your comments and support on this story so far- Carlykinz )

Spencer looked at the time on her cell phone , seeing it was getting late she called it a day on her studying and thought she would go and check up on Lolly and maybe walk home together so, she went through the library building checking every possible corner she could have missed but, no such luck. Spencer walked over to the receptionist and asked her if she had seen lolly or remembered her at all.
The lady remembered lolly as she often studied at the library rather than at the house of hastings which sometimes was not her safe place to land. The lady also said she saw lolly leave an hour ago and so Spencer left the library and walked out of the building and made her way towards the town. Spencer rounded the corner just like Lolly had over an hour ago. Spencer stopped dead in her tracks when she saw someone's back pack on the ground with books and school supplies littered the sidewalk, Spencer bent down to look at the bag and its contents, she picked up a piece of paper before if blew way with the small gust of wind that blew round the corner.
Spencer knew instantly as she saw the writing that it was Lauren's bag and school items but no sign of Lauren.

Spencer's face showed the panic at not seeing Lolly but nothing but her bag she began to panic feeling that something was wrong.

"Where is she?" Spencer muttered to herself feeling a pang of guilt for not coming to see her sooner and asking her to walk home together.
Spencer felt uneasy as she stood there things popped into her head and she thought she heard Lolly scream as the image of her being taken by someone popped into her mind. Spencer got up but stumbled back slightly with shock and her heart pounding in her chest not quite believing that what she was thinking could happen but her eyes never left the bag.

 Spencer got up but stumbled back slightly with shock and  her heart pounding in her chest not quite believing that what she was thinking could happen but her eyes never left the bag

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( Spencer's reaction finding Lolly's bag and things on the side walk ☝🏻☝🏻)

( Spencer's reaction after she stumbles backwards with shock thinking what could have Happened to Lolly☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻)

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( Spencer's reaction after she stumbles backwards with shock thinking what could have Happened to Lolly☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻)

Spencer knew something was wrong it was only a 10 minute walk to where the library was from their house and why would Lolly leave her bag on a side walk and another thing it looked like it was tossed to the ground rather than placed by some one so some kind of struggle could have taken place. Spencer kept trying to stop herself worrying by telling herself "Lolly must still be at home" Spencer picked up the the loose pieces of left paper and stuffed them in to Lolly's bag. Spencer pulled out her cell phone and dialled Lolly's cell and waited a few minutes hoping and praying that Lolly would answer but, instead it rang as the sound was coming out from with in the bag. Spencer went through Lolly's bag looking for her cell phone. She rummaged and finally found it deep at the bottom of the bag. Spencer walked home as quick as she could knowing that something had happened to Lolly and that she could have saved her by leaving with her.

Mean while Lolly had woken up and Red coat had stopped the van opening the door she grabbed Lolly and pulled her out of the van, Red coat over powered Lolly who was trying her best to fight Red coat even though her hands were tied along with her feet. Red coat dragged lolly over to an area where a small blanket and been placed.

"Where are am I ? Why are you doing this,?" Lolly said pleading.

Red coat tried putting a piece of tape across Lolly's mouth but she kept turning her head away from Red coat who held lolly still and managed to put the tape across her mouth. Lolly did her absolute best to see who her capture was but they were very cleverly concealing their face but she could clearly see they had long blonde hair just like Ali.

"The more you try to fight me the more your making it worse yourself" Red coat said bitterly to lolly who let the tears fall down walking away and watched her walk back over to the van. Lolly struggled but eventually managed to pull off the tape whilst red coat was distracted.

"Ali......Please stop this, I won't say anything to anyone let me go please" Lolly pleaded.

Red coat never answered Lolly she just looked at Lolly who had tears slipping down her cheeks. Red coat tried to place a piece of tape across Lolly's mouth but, just like before she tried to resist her from doing it but, in the end Red coat won placing a piece of tape across her mouth.

 Red coat tried to place a piece of tape across Lolly's mouth but, just like before she tried to resist her from doing it but, in the end Red coat won placing a piece of tape across her mouth

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Lolly let the tears fall as she looked around her new surroundings Lolly's eyes fell upon on Red coat watching her as she spoke on the phone quickly glancing at her every now and again.

( how can I forget this thank you all sooooooo much for making this story reach 10k I am absolutely stunned I never imagined that this would get 100 reads let alone 10k I mean this author is very Happy indeed and I can go into the British bank holiday weekend very happy and thankful for each and everyone of you, god bless each and everyone of you. Also sorry this chapter wasn't very long but I hope you like it - Carlykinz)

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