Chapter Thirty Two

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I had been back only a month and school was due to start, I had caught up in my  school work over the summer break and was now ready to join the rest of the world once again, yay finally.
I decided to head to the mall to buy some new clothes for school with a gift or shall I say guilt certificate from mom and dad after that big bust up we had in the middle of the Apple rose grill and well let's just say they felt guilty for what they said and did whilst I was in Radley and like always they use their money to buy my love and affection which okay sometimes works and on this occasion it did.
I walked into the large mall completely forgetting how big and how busy it could get but, it was now too late to turn back. I carried on walking by glancing in shop windows until I found shops like forever21, H&M and the little boutiques like Kelly Wu Where I tried on everything I could and bought myself quite a few dresses and shoes ready for school and ready to show everyone I was back and there was a new me in town. I walked into the large department store where I saw Mona trying on scarves and Hanna  trying on sunglasses, I walked past and headed to the clothing section up on the second floor. I had been there a good half an hour when I decided to take a break and just have a breather so, I leant on the glass banister and looked down at the people below and then the people around me.
I see my sister Spencer to my left as she shops which makes me a little mad I mean after all I did ask her to come but she said no but, I see her here shopping.
I forget all about it and just going back to people watching, I see Hanna place a pair of sunglasses on the top of her head and take the escalator to the second floor and over to Spencer and they chat for a few minutes with Hanna helping Spencer pick something out for tonight I guess and what's happening tonight you ask well, Melissa is introducing her new boyfriend to us whom I'm guessing isn't Ian anymore. I see Hanna leave Spencer and head back down stairs only she takes the sunglasses from on top of her head and starts to walk out towards the exit.
Did she just take them? No she couldn't have, could she?.
Seconds later the security guy rushes up to her and hands her , her handbag and let's her leave, leaving me in shock seeing Hanna just pinch a pair of designer sunglasses. I decide to leave the department store and head back towards one of my favourite shops to buy something for tonight which I completely forgot all about.
I decide on a nice flowery dress  that stops above the knee and a pair of tan colour ankle boots and a denim jacket, once I am happy I head home.
I walk through the door " hey lolly" Dad says looking up from his paper.
" hey dad, where's mom, I thought she was coming home early tonight?" I say dumping my bags on the kitchen floor.
" your mother has had to rush off on some business and so it will be just you, me, Spencer, Melissa and Ren" I nod
" does Spencer know about...." I never get to finish my sentence " what don't I know about?" Spencer says walking into the kitchen.
" nothing" I say looking away, Spencer looks from me to dad.
" what don't I know about?" I shrug and Spencer glares at me which makes me uncomfortable
" and dad have said that Melissa and Ren can live in the barn until Melissa's place in the city gets redone" I say not wanting to hear what my sister has to say about this but, I brace myself.
" WHAT? You knew about this?" Spencer says glaring at me then at dad.
" yes" I say rather sheepish.
" your just going to sit there and let it happen Dad?" Spencer says in anger.
" I agreed with your mother and Melissa as it was their idea"Dad says trying to get his way out of this.
" but you and mom agreed I would get the barn at end of junior year providing I bring home good grades, which I have done and I have even used up all my summer holiday interning at the majors office thinking I had the barn to look forward to but, no in storms perfect Melissa who gets everything she wants whilst me and Lolly look on in the bloody back ground" Spencer yells.
" Spencer, how dare you speak to me like that, I will leave it at that for now but we are not done, go and get ready for tonight and we will talk about this when your mother is home tomorrow" Dad snapped chucking his news paper on to the coffee table and hit up off the sofa to leave.
" that's it dad just walk away like always, I should have known you and mom always break promises" dad glared at Spencer "ENOUGH" he barked making me jump and even Spencer looked a little frightened.
"Go and get ready, your sister and Ren will be here soon" Spencer sighed and stormed off upstairs.
" I'm sorry Dad" I say softly, I pick up my shopping bags and head up stairs to my room.
I start taking my clothes out of their bags and start hanging them up when I hear the doors open and closes and voices down stairs which means Melissa and Ren are down stairs, I decide to change into my flowery dress and style my hair before I head down stairs.
I head down stairs to see dad and Melissa chatting on the sofa but no sign of Ren or Spencer. I quietly walk over towards Dad and Melissa who stop talking as soon as I walked over.
" you didn't have to stop on my account" I say walking over to the island in the kitchen.
" looks who's finally home" Melissa says making it sound like I had just been away to Disneyworld instead of Radley.
" where's Ren?" I say looking round.
" he's in the barn" Melissa says casually.
"Where's Spencer? Is she upstairs?" I say not seeing her here.
" I think she's outside reading,she said something about reading a certain book for English" Dad said" okay well I'm going outside for a few minutes until everyone is ready" I announce and just like always no one cares. I open the back door and step outside in the cold fresh air. I feel myself shiver so, I wrap my arms round myself to keep me warm.
I decide to move from the backdoor and walk along the decking feeling the cold evening breeze through my hair. I'm minding my own business when I hear voices so, I stand still and listen so I can hear where they are coming from and I recognise the voice of my sister Spencer and then Ren's soft British accent but, there is something in they way they are speaking and if feels just like the time I caught Spencer and Ian flirting which Happened just before I went into Radley.
I remember it so clearly.
Flash back
I was in my room studying for a test and was in need of a break so I looked out my window to see Spencer out in the backyard practicing her hockey technique. She whacked each ball with force into the net, I could see the determination on her face and the beads of sweat glistening on her brow. I saw Ian standing in the distance watching my teenage sister, a little too closely for my liking but, I continued to watch as Ian made his way over to Spencer and they spoke for a few second and what happened next made me sick to my stomach. Alison appeared round the corner which told me she came from her house that day and she stood and watched it all happen step by step just like me.
Spencer tried another shot at shooting and once she was done Ian moved closer so he was behind Spencer and his hands on either side of her hips as he adjusted her grips, posture and her hips. Spencer turned her head to look at Ian and with in seconds they kissed and my stomach churned and still does to this day.
End of flash back
I moved closer so I could watch from behind one of the large Ivy vines. I saw Spencer sitting in one of the decking chairs and Ren stood not so far from her puffing on a cigarette as they talked. I could see there was something there between them " your a lot different to Melissa's other boy friends" I can tell Spencer leant her lesson after the last issue.
" what do you mean I am different to the her other boy friends?" Ren asked taking a large puff of his cigarette.
Spencer got up and said the only thing I could hear 100% clearly to Ren " I actually like you" I hear her say as she made her way towards the back doors. I quickly tuck myself beside the ivy so I don't get spotted.
I watch Ren smile as he put out his cigarette and toss the butt into the plant pot, oh boy it's going to be super awkward tonight at dinner I just know it. Sometimes I hate being a Hastings I really do!.
( hey guys I hope this chapter was alright as I have had a break from here for a while so it was hard getting back into the swing of things as they say lol. So please help me out by continuing to read, comment and vote. I do have another Hastings story called 'everything is lost' I started so, Please check it out and you know what to do! Thank you - Carlykinz)

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