Chapter fifty nine

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Spencer continued to class as she walked down the corridor hearing the police taking pictures and making comments. Spencer watched as the police stopped what they were doing to see her walk by and once they thought she was out of ear shot they spoke again "there is nothing here except Lauren's passport and a bag of clothing" Spencer frowned as she tried to think about why Lauren's passport and a bag of clothing were in her locker. Was Lauren going to run away? Was she going to run away with this MM or MVW?

Spencer walked into her class room to see all her so-called class mates sniggering and whispering about Lauren thinking that she couldn't hear them but she heard every word.

"I reckon Lauren's just ran away, I mean can you blame her with her family like that" a girl whispered to her friend who also spoke up.

"I think Lauren is dead, I mean it's been over a week since she had been taken" Spencer could feel herself getting angry but she held it in. Spencer thought back to the writing on the locker and who was this MVWMM and did she know him or her? Have they got Lauren? Lucky for Spencer this was the last class today and when she heard the bell ring she rushed out of class as she watched girls eye her as they walked past or they went silent when they saw her rush by as they clearly were talking about her but stopped seeing her heading their way. Spencer ignored her friends call out to her and went straight home to look in to who. this MVWMM and the things in her locker.

Spencer rushed in side dumping her things on the floor and rushing over to her room and straight into Lauren's room.
Spencer looked everywhere she could think of in Lauren's room where she might hide things just like she herself.
Spencer sat on Lauren's bed and just sighed with frustration, that's when it suddenly hit her Spencer grabbed her cell and sent their usual S.O.S text.
The girls arrived at Spencer's house " Guys, I have something to tell you" Spencer said nervously but the girls looked at Spencer to tell her it was okay, listen to Spencer.

"Actually can we go somewhere else?" The girls nodded and got up off the sofa and followed Spencer closely behind. They went ended up at the kissing rock where they all sat down. Spencer took a deep breath before she told them.

"I walked past Lauren's locker to see police raiding it and talking pictures when I heard them say that Lauren's passport and a bag of clothing were in her locker"

"Why was Lauren's passport in her locker anyway?" Hanna asked and Spencer just shrugged.

"That's not it there's more. There was also the initials engraved on her locker which were MVW and MM"

"MVW and MM?" Emily sounded confused who MVW and MM was when it suddenly came rushing back.

"Spencer don't you remember when Mike had a thing for Lauren a few years ago?" Aria nodded.

"Yeah but what has that got to do with MM? Or MVW?" Spencer was lost to where The girls were going with this.

"Think about it" Spencer frowned

"I still don't get it" She looked confused

"Ok, think about it MM which also could stand for Mike Montgomery meaning your brother Aria and MVW clearly stands for Mona Vanderwaal " Hanna said.

"Oh My God....... your right" Spencer gasped

"Do you think you should tell your mom and dad?" Aria said knowing that Spencer didn't want to mention it to them.

"I suppose I should I , just in case something happens" Spencer said getting off the kissing rock. The girls went back home to see a police man sitting in the living room with Peter sitting next to Veronica who had her head in her hands with Peter's arms round her trying to console her.

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