Chapter Twenty Six

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Lauren walked along the corridor in a daze and wondered trough to the living area where a blonde lady who Lauren had never seen before played the piano so beautifully she sat down and listened to the notes and watched the lady play with passion and confidence.
" she's pretty good isn't she?" Someone said as they sat down next to Lauren.
" yeah she is good but, can I ask who is she?" Looked at who had just spoken to her and it was Beth. Lauren could feel the room spinning and her vision blurred she could make out the faint line of the lady playing the piano.
" that is Mrs Cavanaugh,her son Toby used to go to Rosewood High school" Lauren frowned trying to think who Toby was.
" Cavanaugh?" That's when it hit her she knew who Toby was he was a few years above Spencer and he had a step sister  called Jenna.

Flash back
Lauren sat alone in her room studying for a Algebra test on Monday but, it was rather difficult as Spencer had Alison, Aria, Emily and Hanna round for a sleepover and all they did was laugh loudly making Lauren jump out of her skin every time she tried to get her head down. Lauren had,had enough she slammed her algebra book shut and got up off the bed and marched over to Spencer's room and barged in slamming the door open.
" Hey we are changing here Loser" Alison said covering her chest with a top.
" whatever can you keep it down I'm trying to study" Lauren said folding her arms across her chest.
" if you don't like it then go down stairs or study in a library" Spencer said trying to act big in front of Alison.
" why should I go else where it's my house too, in that case can I join in?" Lauren said raising her eyebrow
" No freaking way" Alison said shaking her head.
" oh come on Alison does it matter if she joins us" Aria said smiling at Lauren.
" whatever" Alison said putting on the top and then studying herself in it.
Lauren sat on the bed as she watched the girls change into clothes when Alison heard a noise outside so, she looked out through the window to see someone climbing down from a tree outside.
" hey I see you" Alison yelled.
" what?" Hanna said rushing over to the window.
" what the hell who was it?"  Emily said glancing out the window trying to see anything or anyone.
" it's that freak Toby Cavanaugh he's been spying on us" Alison said turning away from the window and turned to the girls.
" come on girls I have an idea" Alison smirked.
" where are you going?" Spencer asked rather puzzled.
" come on I'll show you now come on hurry" Alison,Spencer,Aria,Emily, Hanna and Lauren rushed down the stairs.
" where are you girls going at this time?" Veronica said glancing at her watch.
" we are just going to my house Mrs Hastings and then coming back" Alison said tossing her blonde hair over her shoulder.
" okay don't be out to late , I want you girls to come right back, Lauren your not going you are staying here" Veronica said standing with her hands on her hips and raising her eyebrow at Lauren.
" ugh why I'll be with Spencer not as if I'll be alone, please mom" Lauren pleaded.
" Lauren I said No and that's the end of it" Lauren sighed and stormed upstairs yelling " I hate you, your so unfair" Alison smirked " we'll be right back Mrs H" Veronica nodded.
The girls walked through the front yard and walked past Alison's house " wait aren't we going to your house?" Hanna frowned.
" No Hanna sweetie, we are going somewhere else come on"
" I don't think its a good idea" Emily said as she began to shiver.
" Come on" Alison encouraged.
The girls sneaked to the back yard to Toby and Jenna's house and over to the shed that Toby uses to work in.
They peak through the gap seeing movement in there.
Alison glanced round the yard "I have an idea" she said picking up a fire work and digging out a lighter out of her Jean pocket and lit the fire work.
Mean while Lauren opened her bedroom window and glanced down at the rose trellis thinking or wondering if she could make it down by climbing down it. She wasn't going to waste time she climbed out the window and carefully climbed on to the trellis which began to wobble and she tried steadying herself.once she had gained control she began to climb down it carefully.
She reached the bottom and peaked through the living room window to see her mother sitting watching tv and it was then that she made a break for it.
Lauren had a rough idea where her sister was going so she quietly walked in the shadows until she Reached the Cavanaugh house. Lauren walked round to the back where she sawAlison light something up and Spencer helped her chuck it through the window " that's for spying on us you perv" Alison yelled and the girls ran as fast as they could and hid behind a tree.
There was loud screaming heard coming from the shed and the doors burst open and Toby rushed in through the smoke and seconds later he came out with a rather burned and screaming Jenna in tow.
Lauren swallowed hard and began to quietly make her way back to her house only to stop and catch her breath. The smell of burnt skin was wafting under nostrils and it was making her feel quite sick.
Lauren placed her handover her chest feeling her heart pounding as if was going jump out of her chest when an ambulance whizzed by with a police car following at full speed behind it. It was then Lauren knew she had to he to out of there and fast.
End of flash back
" Hey are you okay" Beth said shaking Lauren who had a single tear slipping down her cheek remembering that dreadful night and now here she was she was in the same room as Mrs Cavanaugh who's son got sent to juvenile prison for something he didn't do but something her sister and Alison did.
" I'm okay, it's just.....brings back memories" Lauren whispered.

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