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Chapter Twenty-Nine


"It's a strange protective feeling. I can fight with you all I want but if someone else upsets you, I feel upset too"

"If Jackson doesn't know what he's doing he probably doesn't know someone's controlling him," Allison said on a group call with you, Scott, and Stiles.

"Or he doesn't remember," Scott added, you were in your room on your phone so your parents wouldn't get suspicious.

"What if it's the same thing that happened with (Y/n) and Lydia when they took off from the hospital," Stiles suggested, thinking about it that would make sense as you still couldn't remember anything from that incident.

"A fuse state," Allison said.

"He'd have to forget everything the murder," Scott said and the thought made your stomach turn as you wondered what you had done in your fuse state,  "Getting rid of the blood."

"He'd have to forget everything but someone helped him forget the video," You said, trying to list possible suspects in your head but nothing really came to mind.

"Whoever's controlling him," Scott said.

"And he has no clue about any of this?" You asked sprawled across your bed the only thing lighting your room was your honey scented candle.  The smell could be suffocating at first but it made you feel calm.

"He thinks he's still becoming a werewolf and that being with Lydia delayed the whole thing," Stiles explained and the idea was not completely off but maybe he was projecting onto the wrong person.

"Wait what if my powers can have an effect?" You suggested like a match falling into gasoline things went terribly.

"It's not always about you (Y/n) you realize that right!" Allison snapped pausing for a second the entire phone call went silent.  Scott and Stiles sat in their rooms shocked by what she had just said but you were fuming.

"I do know that sorry I'm not completely useless!" (Y/n) yelled and she could hear you through the wall despite your loud yelling through the phone.

"Useless okay I may not have special powers but that doesn't make you any better!" Allison yelled back and both guys went silent letting the two of you fight.

"I didn't say it but you're obviously thinking it!" You screamed and it was likely the entire house could hear the two of you.  They had been waiting as this fight was brewing for days and it was only a matter of time before it exploded.

"You two quit it!" Scott yelled into the phone and both of you became quiet, "You two are sisters act like it! Now back to Jackson."

The call became quiet again as you took breaths trying to calm your anger.  Coming to a good place you knew Scott was right, "Will he talk to you guys?"

"Yeah, why not?" Stiles said nonchalantly and you did not think about it too much.

"Well we gotta go and you two need to seriously talk whatever is going on between you two, alright?" Scott said but neither of you said a word over the call, "I said Alright?"

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