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Chapter Forty-Five

Alpha Pact

"For every mother and child, every brother that's caught in the crossfire"

In the hospital altogether, your family and friends were at a standstill as Jennifer was missing. Deucalion and the cops were looking for them, and they had no clue where you had gone.

"You guys need to find (Y/n) after what Jennifer and Peter explained he doesn't just want Scott and I. He wants (Y/n) in his pack," Derek said then looked at Adeline and Chris, "You two know why and you should have told her."

"What's going on Dad, Grandma what is he talking about?" Allison asked looking at Adeline and Chris they knew this day would come, eventually.

"(Y/n) is very special her full name is (Y/n) Croft Bennett Mikaelson her father is one of the original Hybrids from the Original family of vampires," Adeline explained, furrowing her eyebrows it sounded so unreal. Allison looked at Chris and Adeline with glazed-over eyes.

"What does that mean?" Isaac asked.

"Her Dad and relatives were the first vampires and her father was the first hybrids. Her mother Aja Croft, my hunting partner, was a Bennett witch as her father is from that family making her Aja Bennett Croft. Bennett witches are powerful, and it runs in (Y/n)'s veins. A very long time ago before civilization a witch named Qetsiyah made a prophecy vowing that one of her descendants would be unbelievably strong. Tethering all the supernatural creatures together.. It just so happens (Y/n) is that special child," Chris explained, scanning the reactions of everyone in the room.

"So what is she?" Allison asked, looking at her family. It felt as though there were secrets dividing all of them.

"She's still human. She hasn't triggered her werewolf curse yet I can't really explain how her vampire side works but she can still access her magic," Adeline explained gauging everyone's reactions to the reality set in their enemy harbored a weapon more powerful than all of them.

"But I thought when you're a vampire you're dead?" Isaac said, trying to understand how you could have access to that.

"Besides what her mother struggled with, we think that could be a big driving factor behind the dark impulses. We cannot say for sure as she is the first of her kind we're learning just like she is," Chris said, reaching out to comfort Allison as she pulled away from him.

"Her parents, what happened?" Allison asked.

"Aja battled a lot of demons in her life. She had a dark period where she did awful things and built a reputation for herself. It got no better when she met Klaus, but the two they did care for each other. When she became pregnant though she came home, she didn't tell Klaus. Choosing to be better, there are forces and curses through the Croft's family line she will face if she does not choose the right path. It may even be too late. They killed her in front of (Y/n), at the time (Y/n) was only six. So we wiped her memory of what had happened. Rebekah Mikaelson is the only one who knows (Y/n) exists," Adeline explained, but the person they should have been telling was you.

"I knew her?" Allison questioned.

"You loved her you used to be so excited to see Aunt Aja and you would call (Y/n), cousin (Y/n) after everything you guys became more like sisters and (Y/n) began calling Victoria and I Mom and Dad. Things changed," Chris explained, recalling one of the hardest things that they had ever endured as a family.

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