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Chapter Forty-Eight

More Bad Than Good

"Give me your pain. Give me your sorrow. Tell me where it hurts.  I will carry you."

Despite everything that was happening you tried your very hardest to find some semblance of normal.  You loved your magic and your family but you longed for the times where none of it was relevant to your everyday life.  Your idea of normal though was not seemingly fun for your beloved Stiles.  He would do anything for you, but that did not mean he would not voice his distaste for it.

"I'm never going to get this," Stiles groaned letting go of your hands in frustration he stepped back from you.  Playing the music you did not find it too complicated but you also did not have two left feet.  Grabbing your bottle of water while taking a few sips, you held the other bottle out to Stiles but he shook his head to it as he sat down in defeat.

"Please Stiles try a little harder," You begged, wanting something to cling onto, this dance was enough for you.  A good distraction but there was still so much time for Stiles to learn it and he knew it.

"Fine but why does it matter now we have plenty of time before prom we're not even seniors yet we have a whole year," Stiles said, standing up as he placed his hand on your waist and took your other hand in his own.

"Because I love you but you're a horrible dancer and on that night all I want to do is dance with you. No magic, No drama, just us and a simple box step. I can't really do that if you keep stepping on my feet, your own feet, as well as the poor others who will be around us," You reasoned, starting off with a simple box step which he continuously missed a step somehow.

"Fine only because I love you," He said offering a tired smile as you tried your very best to correct his box step.  Giving him a small peck on the lips the two of you were back at it, for another thirty minutes before deciding to come back to it later.  As you took a shower it felt oddly cold, brushing it off you thought little of it. When you got out Stiles was long gone and on your phone was a text from Lydia. The need for more girl time was surreal, you left the guys to their devices as you joined Lydia at her house to watch a movie.  As usual, the most difficult part was settling on what to watch for the thousandth time.





"We are watching Hairspray!" You failed at demanding as Lydia held a bored expression at your declaration. She rolled her eyes at you as she turned on the television.

"No we're not," Lydia said, answering texts on her phone, she paid you no attention as she was sure you would cave.

"Yes we are, I am not enduring another night of the Notebook for the rest of my life," You said determined but Lydia rolled her eyes as a grin played on her lips.




"No Lydia seriously we're not watching it and that's it!" You tried one final time but Lydia looked you in the eyes with a raised eyebrow.  Eating popcorn watching Noah and Allie happily kiss in the rain you could not believe Lydia had beaten you again.  Reciting the lines the two of you could reenact the entire movie word for word if you wanted.

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