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Chapter Fifty


"I fear not the dark itself, but what may lurk in it"

A soft groan leaving your lips you stirred as the sound of Stiles's voice made you cringed, it resembled a bullhorn in your ears. You turn your head away, eyes squeezed shut as you cringe.

"(Y/n)?" Stiles's voice called out, opening your eyes you quickly shut them as light shined into them closely. Pushing away from him, he loosened his hold on you as you struggled in his arms, "Relax it's just me."

"Turn that light away from me," Groaning you shift uncomfortably, peeking an eye open as the light was pointing away from you. Your muscles ache throughout your body as you blink several times, adjusting to your dark surroundings.

"What happened?" Stiles asked, watching as you sat up and out of his grasp you looked around trying to pull yourself together. Unsure of how much time had passed you could remember the ominous glow staring at you in the pitch black room. Looking at where they were before everything faded into nothing a chill feeling shot up your spine. Shuffling back a mixture of nausea and adrenaline emitted through your body with an overwhelming amount of vigor.

"There was something in here," You whispered, looking frantically your heart was pounding as your hands felt clammy. Focusing your attention ahead where they had been standing Stiles followed your gaze before pointing the flashlight on his camera in the direction. All that resided there was a roach scurrying away from the light. Watching it disappear from view you shook your head, you were sure it was there.

"Did they―they do anything to you?" Stiles asked hesitantly, pausing in between. Shaking your head at his question you were not entirely sure. The more you thought about it the more frustrating it felt.

"No, I heard the buzzing again and then―nothing," On the floor your head tilted to the side. Recalling the final few seconds before there was nothing, a frown sat on your face. Placing your hands flat on the floor as you pushed yourself up to your feet you could feel your knee's buckle beneath you. You grip Stiles tightly as he keeps you from having a harsh encounter with the floor.

"Here I got you," Ignoring your insistence on being able to walk yourself. He lifted your feet from the floor, resting your head on his shoulder, the feeling of closing your eyes being welcomed. An ache in your chest lingered despite the warmth that came with Stiles's touch.

"Is she okay?" A closed eyed smile is all you offer at the sound of Lydia's voice. The awkward feeling of Stiles trying to place you in the passenger seat of the car would have made you laugh but you only shuffled in. Stiles put the seatbelt around you, before closing the door. The ride home consisted of you focusing on the soft hum of the jeep. You wake but never open your eyes at every stop whether it was a stop light or sign. In your driveway Stiles tries to take you up to your room but you assure him your legs work fine. The smile on your lips does little to make Stiles not worry. Inside your home you wait until the jeep disappears before heading upstairs. Your mind failing you as the answers to the substation remain void. Walking up the stairs the sound of several voices from Allison's room took your attention. Stepping into the dimly lit room the first thing to take your attention was Isaac. The yellow glow of his eyes stared at you menacingly as a vicious growl left his lips.

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