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Chapter Fifty-Three

Letharia Vulpina

"Life is a game, just have to know how to play"

Scott woke up with Derek's words replaying in his mind on an endless loop.  Stuck in a cold sweat the teenage boy had no idea how to share such information or what would come of it.

"You have to tell both Stilinski and (Y/n). They need to know what's really wrong with Stiles." So much had happened Scott was struggling to keep up.  In the short time between you and Stiles going missing things only worsened.  Stiles was missing once again, you were recovering from a violent stomach bug, and Isaac was hurt badly electrocuted to the point his heart almost stopped.  A sigh left his lips as Scott rested his head on his pillow.  He had not seen you since you were found, after being released from the hospital when he came to visit you would not leave your room.  The only person you were allowing into your room was Allison.  She described the interactions as odd, as if you had a programmed set of responses.  Beyond taking your medicine you moved mechanically almost.  It was Allison who revealed to you that Stiles was missing.  When she told you, you only pulled your blanket over your head without a word as you laid in bed.  This had been how you were acting for the past two days since your release from the hospital. 

While Scott laid in his bed stressing over many things out of his control you sat at the dining table with your family for breakfast.  Adeline kissed your temple and said good morning but you muttered morning back.  Focused on your food ignoring your family sharing glances around the table as if you could not see them.  This was the first time you could move a few steps without rushing to empty your stomach.

"I'm going to visit Isaac before I go to school today. And I know I can stay home but I don't want to so please," The sound of forks hitting the metal plates became the only sound filling the room.  Adeline and Chris glanced at each other, holding each other's gazes while the room remained silent.

"I can drive us.  That way we don't have to take two cars and you don't have to be alone." A tight lipped smile sat on your face that did not reach your eyes.  You murmured a thank you, deciding not to fight against your sister's offer.  The rest of breakfast you absentmindedly ate your food without looking up from your plate.  After you were done you washed your plate and retreated to your room.  Settling on jeans and a hoodie, you rubbed your eyes as a yawn left your lips.  At the bottom of the stairs your grandmother and father were waiting, running your hand down the wooden rail you walked down the white painted stairs with caution.  Adeline and Chris offered warm smiles as they sent you and Allison off with hugs, kisses, and lots of love.  In the car you said nothing as you put your seatbelt on.  Allison turned the key in the ignition but watched you the entire time.  The click of her seatbelt felt loud as the car was silent besides the low hum of the engine.  Focused on staring ahead you took notice of the vines on the side of the house, left untreated they would reach your window in time.

"Hey you know I'm here for you no matter what right?" Her voice was low and evidently uneven, the bouncing of her leg stole your attention.  Well aware of how much you were worrying your entire family Allison has yet to break.  Seated in the driver's seat of her car while you both still sat in the driveway it was happening.  Your uncertainty of anything truly being wrong is what nagged you the most.  All of your family members worried about your well being while you questioned the metrics of it.  Consumed by your own thoughts you nearly forgot what sent you into this philosophical spiral, "(Y/n) Croft please even if it's just a small smile look me in the eyes and show some of my sister. I don't know what happened that night but I miss her. I miss you smiling all the time and making the best out of the worst situations. This is not my sister (Y/n) is strong and happy, she was never like this."

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