☆Reiji x Reader

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Mild lemon warning, I guess?

You and Reiji have been friends for a while, but you didn't like him when you first met him. It took you a while to bond, but it only took one little sarcastic comment for him to attract your attention.

One day in class, one of the boys in your year was picking on you. He kept going on and on about your love for anime.

The boy said, "Anime is just cartoons. It's for little kids"

Reiji immediately replied with a quiet, "Oh, so pornos and horror movies are for kids?"

You busted out laughing, clapping your hands together.

"Good one, Reiji!" you giggled.

After class, you asked Reiji to help you with math so the two of you could get to know each other better and maybe become friends. You exchanged numbers with Reiji and hung out a lot.

Little by little, you grew closer, and then you became best friends.

Today, Reiji and you are going to binge-watch Fairy Tail.

Reiji asked you last night when you were both studying, and something about him seemed off. He seemed almost...nervous.

You knock on his front door, feeling oddly nervous. You snap the rubber bracelet on your wrist to calm yourself down a little.

Suddenly, the door opens, revealing Reiji, who is wearing jeans and a plain black t-shirt.

"Uh, hey, Y/N." Reiji greets you, scratching the back of this neck.

"Hi, Reiji." You reply.


You and Reiji are done watching Fairy Tail, and you are just slipping your coat and shoes on to leave.

Reiji walks into the foyer, smiling. He says, "Um, Y/N, I have to ask you something."

You nod and then Reiji continues. "Do-Do you like me?"

Immediately a hot, red blush blooms on your cheeks.

You start stuttering, not knowing what to say. Do you like him? Your heart always flutters when Reiji smiles, and you blush whenever he does something nice for you.

"I-I don't know. I think so. Like, I feel fluttery whenever I'm near you. And I like it when you smile. You're a really great person, and we like a lot of the same thing-" You start babbling, letting go of all the feelings inside of you, but Reiji cuts you off.

He slams his lips into yours, backing you into the wall. His hands caressed your face, and his hair tickled your forehead. His tongue asks entrance to your mouth, and you grant it. You moan, your hands traveling up to grip Reiji's hair.

He moans as you tugged his purpley-black locks.

He slams your back into the wall, causing you to moan his name loudly.

You both break apart, panting loudly. A few seconds pass before Reiji speaks. "I like you, Y/N. A lot."

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