☆Laito x Reader

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Lol btw I kind of stole this from a picture I found on Google and I made it longer. #SorryNotSorry Oh, and smut warning!! Or medium-ish smut at least.

You and Laito were lingerie shopping after you were dating for two years, and Laito had picked out a few different sets for you to try on.

After you were done finding everything you wanted, you went into the Fitting Room. Just as you were about to close the door, you pulled Laito inside the small room.

You tried on the different sets of lingerie in front of Laito, teasing him.

Just as you were finished, Laito grabbed you by the waist, pulling you closer to him. He sucked on your neck, creating a dark love bite. You tried suppressing your moans, but Laito was making it hard to keep quiet.

"You were a bad, bad girl, bitch-chan. Now it's time for your punishment." Laito whispered in your ear, his hot breath turning you on even more.

"N-no, Laito. Not here. P-please, just wait t-till we get home. Then you can do w-whatever you want to me." You stuttered, pushing Laito away from you. He always knew how to fluster you, even when you were mad at him.

"Fine. But, when we get home, I'm going to make you scream my name all night." Laito growled in your ear.

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