Ruki x Azusa

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Just as a warning, this will definitely be triggering. And I am really sorry for not updating sooner.

Azusa's POV

I slowly unwrapped the white bandages from my forearms. I winced as I accidentally bumped one of the deeper wounds. Once I finished, I examined all the damage I'd done.

'Why don't they see that I did this? Why don't they see how much pain I'm in? How can they be so blind? Does anyone even care that I have to slowly kill myself to remember that I'm still alive? Does Ruki care? Do they notice how uncomfortable I am with myself? Do they realize how nervous their friends make me? What's wrong with me?'

There were some fresh marks along with the pale scars of past cuts.

My eyes flicked to my dresser drawer. It wouldn't matter to them if I made just a few marks, would it? They wouldn't care, would they?

I was across the room in a flash, and in even less time, I had the small dagger in my hands. It was beautifully crafted; silver, with a rose carved into the handle.

Without giving myself time to regret anything, I made a clean cut across my left wrist. Then, I replicated the action on my right wrist. Moving quickly, I repeated my actions over and over, slicing deeper and deeper.

My head was swimming, shapes blurring in my vision, and black fog creeping up around the edges of my sight.

Panicking, I realized that I had cut too deep into my wrists. I stumbled across my room, my speed greatly diminished. Before I could make it to my bed, to my phone, I tripped over my own feet and fell.

A loud thud resounded throughout my bedroom as my weakened body hit the floor.


I was the only one at home on this particular day. If something happened today, there would be no one to save me from myself. If I cut too deep, I was left with no other option than to die.

I couldn't be sure as to how long it was before I blacked out.


Ruki's POV

I was just grabbing my favorite novel from the bookshelf in my bedroom when I heard the loud thudding sound.

I knew that no one was at home at that time, besides Azusa. I immediately panicked. What if he had been hurt? I knew that the green-haired boy had had problems with depression before, and I had quickly learned to worry about him.

Immediately after I met him, I took the initiative to become friends with him. Over the last three years, we had become extremely close friends.

More than that, in the time which I had known Azusa, I had fallen in love with him. I wasn't sure when exactly it happened, but I had fallen hard and fast. There was no revoking these feelings.

However, even though I loved Azusa, I had never gotten up the courage to tell him.

Memories flashed in my mind of Azusa and I while I ran. I needed to reach his room before something terrible happened.

A bad feeling was forming in my stomach as I raced through the house.

"Azusa!" I shouted, racing up a flight of stairs. "No! Azusa!"

At last, I was facing his door. Without even thinking twice, I flung the heavy wooden door open.

At first, I didn't see my friend. Then, I saw the blood.

There was blood everywhere. It was on the bed and on the floor and on the desk. But most importantly, it drenched the pale hand that I could see from around the corner of the bed.

I entered the bedroom, nearly vomiting when I saw the gory scene that lay before me.

"Azusa!!!" I shouted, falling to my knees beside him. He was paler than snow, red liquid covering him as he lie motionless on the dark carpeting.

I found his phone on the bed and dialed a number. I spoke with the ambulance people and told them about the situation and our location.

They arrived within ten minutes, but it was too late.


Azusa's POV


I was floating in the Blue. For a lack of information, I simply decided to name my location the Blue.

True to its name, the substance was a dark royal blue. Somehow, I knew that it wasn't water. It smelled like iron and oranges.

"What am I doing here?" I whispered, looking around.

"Azusa! Wake up!" I heard a voice shouting for me, and it sounded a lot like my old friend Kanato.

"Azusa, sweetie, please get better." I heard Kanato's friend Yui calling out to me.

Then, an unidentifiable voice spoke. "Could everyone please wait in the waiting room, please? Azusa's brother would like some time alone with him."

A sudden feeling of falling overcame me, and I slipped into a short daze.


Ruki's POV

"Azusa...I know the way you feel...I have felt like that before, too. It...It was a long time ago, though. I was probably only fifteen or so....Haha when I think back on it now, I realize that if I didn't make it through those hard times, you probably wouldn't be here right now. Then again, you're the reason why I'm here right now." I rambled on, getting more nervous by the second. Even if Azusa was unconscious, I was still nervous to confess my feelings to him.

"A-Azusa...I really want you to know that I love you. I don't even mean it in a brotherly way anymore. I...I am in love with you Azusa!" I shouted the last sentence in frustration. Just then, Azusa's eyes opened.

"R-Ruki?" He asked, gazing around the sterile hospital room. Then, they flicked back up to stare at me.


"I love you too." My eyes shot up from where they were glued to the floor. They searched his blackish-green eyes and found nothing but love and honesty and admiration.

I leaned over Azusa and gently pressed my lips to his in a sweet kiss.

We both knew that the nurses, family, and doctors would be anxious to observe the scarred boy.


As for the happily ever after? Let's just say that Azusa never harmed himself ever again.

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