Laito x Ayato

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Warning: Ayato and Laito don't know each other.  There will be mild lemon-ish content.  There will be intense fluff.

Ayato's POV

I didn't want to do it, but my cousin somehow persuaded me into agreeing to go.

Of course, my cousin left me as soon as we entered the building to go get a girl to go home with him.

The flashing lights and obnoxiously loud music were giving me a headache, and I was not having fun at all.

I didn't know how to dance that well, so I was just sitting at the bar, sipping some random type of drink.  I wasn't even sure what I was drinking, but it wasn't too bad.

I felt someone sit next to me.  Turning my head to see who it was, I gasped quietly.

It was a boy about my age.  He had long red hair and emerald green eyes.  He wore a black fedora with a red hatband.  His clothes were a simple combination of black skinny jeans and a black t-shirt.  But, dam, he was hot.  His mischievous smile pulled me in, and it annoyed me that he had such a hold on my attention.

"Why are you sitting here all alone, Roujin-chan?" He asked, smiling lazily.  His eyes filled with amusement at my reaction.

I turned a deep shade of red before I slapped him.  Before he even had a chance to say anything else, I stormed off onto the dance floor.

I was already mostly drunk so I decided to just let loose and stop caring for a while.

I danced alone for a while before I felt someone come up behind me and  start grinding against me.   I could tell it was a boy when I felt his erection pressing into me, but I still found it hard to care.

I moaned as they playfully nibbled my neck.  Somehow, despite how I would usually frown upon this sort of behavior, I was actually enjoying this person.

That is, until they turned me around to face them.  It was that redheaded jerk from earlier.  I tried to walk away from him, but he grabbed my wrists tightly in his slender hands.  An almost pleading look flashed across his face before it became a seductively mysterious mask again.

"Please...I wasn't trying to be a jerk...Let's just...Have some fun." He shouted apologetically over the loud music.  He seemed genuinely sorry for his earlier behavior, but I was still unsure whether to forgive him.

Since I had no one better to be around, I decided to just let it go.

"Fine, but you better not be rude like that again." I replied, frowning before I added, "And my name is Ayato, not 'Old Man'."

"You could have fooled m-" i cut the redheaded stranger off by placing my lips on his.  It was a gentle action, but I was nervous because I had never kissed anyone before.  The redhead was tense at first, but I felt him relax into the kiss almost immediately.

He cupped my face in his hands, brushing a thumb across my cheek.  Wherever he touched me, I felt a heat more comfortable - yet exciting - than I had ever felt before.

The redhead broke the kiss suddenly, pressing his forehead against mine and gazing into my eyes.

"Please, will you go home with me?" He whispered breathlessly, cuppimg my face in his hands.  I could feel his warm breath tickling my face, and it caused a shiver to go down my spine.

"...Okay, but if I decide that we aren't going to have sex,  we won't have it, right?" I agreed finally, becoming extremely nervous.  I was scared; I had never had sex with a girl before, let alone a guy.



Somehow we ended up skipping down the street at three o'clock in the morning.  To be honest, we had been scolded by policemen more than a few times, but we decided not to pay attention to their warnings.

We were at Laito's apartment in less than fifteen minutes.  It wasn't very far from the club where we had met.  We were both giggling like young girls as Laito unlocked his apartment door.

"What would you like to do now?" He asked after shutting the door.  Really, I all I wanted to do was sleep.  I was drunk and tired from the excessive stress my school had been putting on me over the last few days.

A pounding headache had started up and I felt queasy as I followed Laito to his bedroom.

"I just want to cuddle!" I whined, tears forming in my eyes.  I was acting like a child, but I could care less because of the alcohol still flowing through my body.

"Cuddling it is, then..." Laito agreed, hopping on his king-sized bed.  I crawled onto the bed too, curling up right next to him.

"Laito, will you hold me?  I'm cold." I asked quietly, feeling a few shivers go down my back as I felt Laito's body against my own.  Then, strong arms wrapped around me, and Laito's chest pressed against my back.

"Is that better, Ayato-chan?" He replied, squeezing me gently.  I liked that feeling of having his arms wrapped around me as we were lying there just listening to each other breathe.

I nodded in response to his question, and the room was enveloped in silence.

After a while I broke the silence.

"Laito, do you like me?" I asked quietly, beginning to slip off into sleep.

There was a long pause before he finally answered.


"Stay with me forever, Laito." I was barely able to control my actions as I drifted off into sleep and heard myself speak quietly.

Just before I completely lost consciousness, I heard Laito say two words that made my heart get a strange warm fuzzy feeling.

"I will."

How was this?  I am terribly sorry that I haven't updated in like months!  I've been so busy, and I have a foreign exchange student (by the way, he is extremely hot, in case anyone was wondering lol).  I have another few ideas in the works and hope to get them completed soon.  Anyway, if anyone has any requests, please comment them and I will try my hardest to complete them.  Thank you for reading and voting and commenting!  It honestly means so much to me!

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