☆Laito x Azusa

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Btw this is AU, but the Sakamakis and Mukamis still kind of dislike each other.

Laito and Azusa have always been the closest out of the Sakamaki and Mukami brothers. They have always hung out together. When they hung out, they watched movies or baked sweets or gave each other makeovers (just because I think that would be funny and cute lol).

Laito always thought that Azusa was adorable (who wouldn't?). He just wanted to cuddle Azusa forever. Really, the younger boy brought out Laito's kinder side.

Laito was happy whenever he was with Azusa. He didn't realize it right away, but he had fallen in love with the younger boy. Whenever he was around Azusa, his heart fluttered and his palms started to sweat. Butterflies - no, elephants started stomping around in his stomach.

One day, Azusa was wandering around in a forest. He had been looking for a rare type of wild berry. Somehow, while he was paying attention to the plants, he didn't pay attention to where he was going. Soon he became lost. Then, the sun started setting.

Azusa became cold and afraid. He hugged his torso, attempting to warm himself. After trying for hours to find his way home by the dim light of the full moon, he finally gave in to his fears.

He was completely, totally lost. He had no way of getting home, and no one was coming to find him.

As the seconds ticked by, Azusa's hope slipped away from him. Tears ran down his face as he sobbed, crying out for the person he trusted the most.

"Laito! Laito, help!" He screamed over and over. He gripped his hair, trying to shut out all the strange sounds that were driving fear into his heart.

Soon, Azusa was so cold that he couldn't feel his fingers and toes. It wasn't long after he realized that he was getting too cold when he heard a twig snap a short distance from him.

He shook harder, worrying about what was in the woods with him.

"Azusa!! Azusa!!" A shout rang out through the trees. Azusa was too scared, and he didn't even hear the shouting.

But, it was at that time when he decided to try yelling again. He opened his mouth, trying to scream Laito's name.

A small, raspy squeak was all that came out. Azusa started panicking even more.

The twigs snapped again, closer this time.

The voice shouted again, but Azusa was covering his ears, attempting to shut out all the terrifying sounds of the forest.

And then a figure appeared in the clearing where Azusa sat against an old pine tree.

"Azusa!" the figure shouted, running toward the terrified boy. The figure threw his arms around him hugging him tightly.

"L-Laito?" Azusa squeaked out, trying to decide if it was a hallucination or not. "W-what are you d-doing here?"

"I was looking all night for you, trying to find you. Oh my God! You had me so worried! I thought you were dead! Oh my God, oh my God." Laito totally started freaking out, embracing Azusa in a bone-crushing hug.

"I-I'm sorry. I was looking for some berries, but then I got lost. I was s-so scared, L-Laito!" Azusa cried into the older boy's chest.

"Azusa, I need to tell you something very important." Laito said, sounding dead-serious.


"I just...I just wanted to tell you that I love you."

The younger boy immediately started babbling, trying to communicate his feelings to the redhead.  Suddenly, he was cut off when Laito pressed his lips to Azusa's gently.

The green-haired boy was surprised, but quickly kissed back. The kiss was a sweet yet passionate one.

When the two teens broke apart, Azusa whispered something in Laito's ear.

"I love you, too..."

Hey, everybody!! I know I haven't updated this in awhile, but I'm back!! Kinda. I will probably not update as much this week either because I have to do a bunch of stuff for school. But, I really wanted to post this Azaito one-shot as a thank-you for getting me to over 100 views on both of my Diabolik Lovers stories. YAAYYEEE!!!

Thanks again!!

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