Reader x Ayato

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You were eating dinner with your boyfriend Ayato one night, and both of you were really quiet. Neither of you had spoken much lately, and it was getting on your nerves.

You thought maybe it would be a good idea if you two separated for a while just to see if anything happens.

"I want to break up."

"I want to get married."

The both of you spoke at the same time, and both of you were totally shocked at what both of you said.

"W-what? You want to break up? Why?" Ayato asked you, his eyes full of hurt and mistrust.

You couldn't stand seeing the pain in his eyes, so you decided to just stare at your plate. Maybe it wouldn't be such a good idea to break up...

"Well...Yes, but-" You weren't even able to finish speaking before Ayato cut you off.

"But what? What could you say to make me hate you any less? I can't believe I actually thought of marrying you! God, how could I ever have loved you?!" His voice dropped to a low growl. "If I had known you would stab me in the back, I never would have gotten involved."

Your lips were pressed together in a thin line as you watched him leave the table and then exit the house. In your heart, you knew that nothing you could say would work on the stubborn redhead. Of course, he would come back eventually because he had no place else to stay - aside from with his brothers, whom he absolutely loathed.

Realizing that you had nowhere else to go either, you hoped that Ayato wouldn't kick you out.

After you were finished clearing the table, you watched some television for a while, but all of the programs had to do with love since it was nearly Valentines' Day.

Eventually, you got ready for bed, but you decided to sleep in the guest bedroom. After all, Ayato would probably want to sleep in the bed.

However, as the hours passed, you could not fall asleep, no matter what you tried. You drank tea, counted sheep, listened to soothing music, and finally took some sleeping pills.

Around three in the morning, you drifted off into sleep. Immediately, you were plagued with nightmares.


You were running down a dark alley, trying to find your way through the strange city. You needed to find help, you needed to save your sister's life.

"Help! Someone! Please help me!" You screamed into the night, tripping over your own feet. You fell face-first into a deep puddle.

Your dream morphed into a different scene.

Ayato stood in front of you, facing away from you. It seemed like he was confronting a shady-looking man, but you couldn't quite see the man's face because it was shadowed by his striped fedora.

"Leave her alone!" Ayato shouted at the man, placing his hands on his hips.

"In your dreams, pal." The man laughed before shooting your boyfriend seven times.


A scream tore you from your nightmare, and you shot up, looking all around you.

Tears streamed down your face, and your heart was pounding in your ears.

You took deep breaths, trying to calm yourself down. Of course, you couldn't calm down, though. You were still too scared because of your nightmare.


And so every night went the same exact way for weeks on end.

Television, sleep, nightmare, awake, sleep, nightmare, repeat.

Ayato came home late every night after he went out all day. You were worried that he was going to get hurt, like in your nightmare.

He must have come home one night when you were already asleep. By that time, you were already engulfed in nightmares.

That was the exact moment that you started to scream.

Ayato raced into the bedroom, worried that you were being murdered or kidnapped. He saw you as you shot up in bed, crying your eyes out.

"Y-Y/N! Are you alright?!" He shouted, rushing towards you and pulling you into his arms. At his touch, you awakened, still screaming.

"Ayato! Ayato!" You called out, not realizing that he was the one holding you. You clung to his shirt, sobbing uncontrollably.

"It's alright. I'm here. There's nothing to worry about. You're fine." He whispered in your ear, playing with your hair in a comforting way.

Slowly, you came back to reality, realizing that you were clinging to Ayato very tightly.

"S-sorry, Ayato. I didn't mean to make such a racket." You apologized, hoping he wouldn't be angry.

"What happened?" He asked in a stern tone of voice, almost like he was demanding an answer.

"I had a nightmare."

"About what?" He asked, his voice tight, like he was trying to keep from exploding.


"W-what? Why?" He asked, his eyes widening. He seemed worried, as if he thought that he was the villain or the monster in the dream.

"I got scared when the man in the dream shot you. I don't want you to die!" You squeaked, throwing your arms around Ayato's neck and burying your face in his neck, crying harder than before.

"It's okay. I'm fine. Your dream will never come true because I'm me. They can't kill someone like me by simply shooting me." He whispered in your ear, gently touching your cheek with his hand.

"B-but I got so scared and...and I don't want to lose you! I'm so s-sorry, Ayato! I love you!" You cried, still freaking out. You couldn't stop shaking, and the dream continuously replayed through your mind.

Suddenly, Ayato's lips gently pressed against yours, a soft gasp escaping your lips in surprise. After a moment he pulled away again.

"I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I was so stupid to be angry with you. I was nervous and quiet because I wanted to propose to you. I see now how off-putting that was. I was trying to work up the nerve to propose, and you thought I had lost interest. I'm so sorry, Y/N." Ayato whispered, and a few tears ran down his face. Seeing those normally-bright-and-happy green eyes filled with tears made you want to cry even more, but you held it in because it would be okay. Ot ao you were hoping, at least.

"Ayato, if you still want to get married, I would be very happy to be your wife." You spoke gently, now trying to calm him down.

"I love you so much, Y/N." He whispered, pecking your lips. You felt happy, almost giddy, now that all of your problems had been resolved.

"I love you too, Ayato."

Sorry if this was crappy lol. It was not one of my favorite one-shots to write. But hopefully it wasn't too bad. Plus, I started this like three months ago, so I wasn't really sure where I was going with it anymore lol. It was probably supposed to have a sad ending, but I accidentally switched it to happy. Please tell me how it was by voting and commenting your opinions.

Also, if any of you have a request, I would probably be very happy to write it.

Thank you to everyone who has voted and commented on this story-thing (I'm not sure what to call it lol) already. It means a ton to me. :)

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