☆Yuma x Shu Part 1

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Shu's POV

I knew it was him, even before he entered the music room. Although he was older and different in some way I couldn't describe, he was still him. It made me feel like I was a child again; all of my worries and pain and fears just slipped away.

"Hey, you, do you know where I can find a boy named Kanato Sakamaki?" The deep voice of him resounded throughout the room, causing me to sigh at the semi-familiar voice.

"What has that trouble-maker done now?" I asked, throwing an arm over my eyes to block out any light that could bother me.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" He asked, sighing. I opened my eyes, and, sure enough, it was him.

I almost burst out laughing when I took a closer look at the teenage boy in front of me.

The boy was covered in sparkly purple glitter. It coated his black-and-white uniform, and it was mixed in with his light brown hair. His brown eyes were set in a look of disapproval as I chuckled at my younger brother's trick.

Despite myself I had to admit, my dear old friend had become quite the handsome man. His eyelashes were long enough as to where they would tangle if he closed his eyes, and his jaw was sharper than a knife. His tall stature and muscular build were absolutely perfect. His eyes still held at least a fraction of the gentleness he had possessed when we were children. However, a new rebelliousness could also be seen in those chocolate brown eyes.

"He certainly outdid himself this time, didn't he?" I chuckled before finally becoming slightly more serious. "If it's not too much trouble, I would like to know your name..."


"You reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago, but I can see now that you are not that same person." I replied nonchalantly, returning to my napping. "And no, I do not know where you can find my troublesome little brother."

I heard the gasp of surprise and struggled to supress my smirk.

"What! That little bastard is your brother? Who are you, then?" He shouted, effectively annoying me. Who knew I could be annoyed by my long-lost best friend. How amusing.

"His older half-brother. If you meant what is my name, I am Shu Sakamaki." My answer was a bit smart, but if I couldn't sleep, I had to entertain myself somehow.

"Shu Sakamaki...Why does that name sound familiar?" He mumbled to himself. I sighed internally; I was aware of the fact that I had to give him some clue as to who I was, even if he didn't remember me.

"How far back into your childhood can you remember?" I asked, sighing. Sitting up, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes.

"I...I was about twelve when I took the name Bear, and I wandered on my own for a while before that...I was probably about ten." He mumbled to himself, trying to figure out when he got amnesia. Suddenly, he perked up, smiling. "I was nine. I just remembered that! It was the day after my ninth birthday! My family and I had just had a small celebration with my friend...I can't remember his name though...It's on the tip of my tongue..."

I chuckled, offering a suggestion. "Could it possibly be Ririe?" I asked, my heart picking up speed. I hoped he would remember me, but I was also very nervous as to what he would think of me now that I was older and more grown up. I gave the suggestion of my Vampire name because he didn't seem to recognize the name 'Shu'.

"I'm not sure...That sounds familiar..." He was mumbling again, and I decided to leave him to the task of uncovering his memories. After all, it could be detrimental to his mental stability if I were to reveal too much of his past to him.

"I'll see you around, Yuma." I mumbled, making my way past the brunette and out of the music room. As soon as I was sure he couldn't see or hear me, I collapsed against the wall. The white brick felt cool to the touch, but I was burning up. Why was it so hot?

A tear slipped from my eye and then another before I completely broke down in tears. He was alive. The only person I cared about was alive.

I felt more than relieved. To be more precise, I was the happiest I had been in over a hundred years.

My shoulders shook with the joyful yet sorrowful sobs escaping me. While I was happy that my old friend was alive, it hurt me to know that he no longer had any memories of me or our friendship.

I couldn't be sure how long I leaned against that wall for support, crying more than I'd ever cried before. Maybe it was only five minutes, or maybe it was an hour or more.

Somewhere in that time, I felt an arm wrap around me. The person pulled me closer to them, hugging me against their chest. They smelled wonderful, and their scent comforted me. I could hear their heartbeat, and it soothed me.

I could tell it was him.


To be continued...

How was this? It's a bit shorter than the other updates I have posted recently, but it will probably be continued, so that kind of makes up for the lack of length. Anyway, tell me whether you like it or not. Also whether I should write a second part or not. Thank you for reading and supporting this one-shot collection! :)

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