Home again 2

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          As I reached the gate I was impressed with how Anna did with the house, especially on how she designed it. As the gate opened I drove up the road to reach the front entrance and parked my car beside her Mustang, i always knew she a had a thing for American cars so I wasn't surprised that she owned one. Stepping out of my car I made my way up the front entrance and before I could knock on the door, a middle aged women with bright yet dull green eyes looked at me from head to toe. It was my mother, after 5 years I noticed that her smile didn't reach her eyes and she seemed paler than I remember, as if someone had drained the life out of her. I was ashamed of myself for leaving my mother like this, for causing her pain but, instead of scolding me and pushing me away she hugged me. I was surprised at first but, hugged her  back missing her hugs and just her presence, " I'm sorry mom, I don't deserve a mother like you to forgive me so easily" " Oh! son you'll always be forgiven by me, I don't care if you didn't reach out to me but, you put your sister in so much stress, she worked hard to where she is now you know that. Oh! I'm guessing you have heard her engagement to Henry." " Oh! I was there when they told everyone at the party today, I was shocked but nonetheless happy for her." With that I walked into the front foyer and was absolutely astonished on how well Anna put so much work to it.   " Oh! Jake  I'm going to go and retire I'll see you in the morning and Anna's in her office just down the hall to your right." With that she made her way up the grand stairs leaving me all alone.

After finding exactly where the office was located, I made my way down the hall, as I was passing I noticed family pictures of my mother and I or with just us little kids with Henry. One picture that I saw was the picture that was taken of Anna and I before I left but, what made me see what my sister went through High school finishing a year before anyone in her class,  I'm truly proud that she somehow managed her  school grades up while building her business. After some walking I finally came up to two large wooden doors and before i could even open the door I heard my sisters cry and with out even knocking, I barged in seeing her behind her desk. At this point I felt like a total douche bag, I didn't deserve a mother and sister who still cared for me but, I wanted to make it right with them again and spend time like we use to, after losing time for the past 5 years. " Anna, I know you don't want to here my apology right now but, I want to say sorry for leaving you guys like this and not supporting both you and mother. I am ashamed but, don't forgive me as of yet, I want to make it right first before you can completely forgive me. I am truly sorry Anna."  By the time I apologized, I had slowly walked up to her and hugged her like my life depended on it, because of how hard she worked to keep mother through her hard time and how she stayed up late to find me. 

" It's okay Jake, I forgive you.....I-I don't care that you didn't call or even reached out to us, yes I'm mad at you but, I can never stand being mad at you at this time. After 5 years of not seeing you or hearing from you, I'm not gonna lose the opportunity I have to talk to you, spend some quality time together too. So from here on I want to know where your going, leaving etc. okay?...........LOL sorry the look on your face was hilarious don't worry I'm not gonna be like a mother asking where her child is like every 5 minutes,  I just want your phone number just in case."

" It's fine why are you forgiving me, I mean not to be rude it's just I expected to be yelled at."

" No brother, that was the old Anna from years ago but, I've changed, I understood the true value of family a while back after you left. I don't know if you know this but, mother back then was not very stable as she was today, I'm assuming you saw her??"

" Yeah, I did and noticed that she doesn't have her once shinning, bright eyes that were once filled with happiness and I can't help but feel guilty for doing this to her."

" It's not your fault, its just she can't forget about him, she's unable to move forward from father knowing that he is out there still and not giving a proper goodbye to why he left. The reason why I forgave you because your my brother and I wouldn't want you to feel bad about something you didn't do intentional. Anyways, it's getting late your room is upstairs to the left of your hallway, I made that room especially for you  knowing that one day you'll come and don't worry about clothes there's plenty in your closet."

" Wow! Thank you sis, but I wouldn't want to intrude."

" Intrude! I beg your pardon, your my brother lord,  now up you go, we'll have to catch up tomorrow"

With that I hugged my sister goodnight, made my way to mother's room kissing her night and made my way to my room. As I entered, I was surprised on how my room was arranged and to something I would do. The walls were painted grey, the curtains for the window was black and my bed sheets were a dark blue. There was a flat screen T.V facing my bed and a small mini fridge located near my dresser. I slowly walked towards my closet, to find clothing organized from suits, casuals, formal and pj's. I walked over where there was shorts and grabbed a towel, walking back out to where I had my own washroom, I took a quick shower, pulled my shorts on and got under the covers letting sleep consume me.

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