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Anna's POV

       After Henry dropped me off at work, I went straight into my office to do some more work on an up coming fashion show and an article that needs to be put out to the public. As I was finishing up some final details Kate buzzed in to my office to tell me I had a visitor and I didn't know who it could be but, apparently they knew me so, I let them in. But, I regretted  my decision as soon as James walked through my office doors great what does he want now.

" Good evening Miss. Winters its nice to see you after your announcement of being engaged......who knew Andrew had a thing with you back then. I mean I should have seen it coming when he easily got jealous when we use to date but, wow your actually getting married huh?." really is that why he came all the why up here was to gossip.

"What are you doing here James?.... I know that you didn't come here for business and plus I didn't even agree to meet with you either." I replied coldly.

" Oh! Anna bear always coming to the point...what can't a friend come visit you and catch up, I'm serious its not going to be like high school. I'm a grown man and I realized I made a mistake okay.....I admit that just please give me a second chance. Lets go grab coffee down the street as friends." I didn't trust him after what he did in high school and  I did to  some digging.

" I'm sorry James I'm really busy and frankly i don't wanna go get coffee with you if anything I will bring Henry along with me. Now if you'll excuse me I have to attend a meeting unless you want me to call the guards up." With that said he left silently.

" Karly can you get a hold of Mr. Richard on line 1 for me please. Thank You."

" Working on it....He's on line 1 Miss.Winter"

"  Hello Richard?" , " Always were the formal one I see. How are you Anna? Long time huh what can I help you with?" How i missed his voice. " Sorry cuz I really need your help but not here over the phone you know where to find me I'll see you soon and tell Aunt Elle and Uncle Leo, I said hi."

" Sure will and tell your mom I asked about her, I really really miss her cooking.......see you later." With that he hung up. Now let me tell you about Richard well his full name is Xavier Richard, my mom's nephew . Both his parents are lawyer's the best in their field. For Xavier he is a private investigator and he is really good too. Its hard for anyone to get a hold of him unless your a close relative or you have money that's how well of an investigator he is. Anyways I called him up because I needed to know what James was planning and I know its nothing good just by looking into his eyes you can see the glint in his eyes.

"  Karly? What's today's date?"

" It's Monday, February 1st. Why? Do you need anything?" Shit i got to pick up moms med before they close.

" I have to pick meds for mom I'll be out move any appointments, meetings anything tomorrow.......oh and if any emergency call my cell." with that I raced outside into my car. On the ride there I felt as if I was being followed but, I didn't mind it until I realized that the same Black Range Rover was still following me. I reached for my glove compartment where I kept my gun............don't worry its licenced I just keep it for my own protection after one of my friends was robbed while she was in her car.  I kept the gun close to me and kept it tucked in my dress pants. I drove up to the pharmacy where I usually pick up my moms medications an hour and a half drive to my house. Once inside I picked up the medications, I noticed that the black range rover was parked next to my car on the passenger side since there was another car parked on the other side. Once outside I quickly got into my car and drove out without hesitation and I immediately went back to my company  to switch cars which was my black scion FR-S. Once in I drove home so I could drop off the meds and went off to meet up with Xavier.

" Humm......thought it was this place you always loved chocolate ice creams, how are you cuz?"

" Nothing much.....I need your help it's James"

" That bastard! What does he want, I swear I'm gonna kill him."

" Well he owns a company because of his dad, but it feels like he's up to no good I feel it in my gut and I was followed by a black range rover like seriously but, I lost them."

" Well I'm guessing you want me to investigate what their up to huh?."

"Yep you already know it................anyways its getting kinda late and Oh before i forget i got a new number and phone one that only you, mom, my brother and Henry will know it will be under my middle name but my last name would be Ellis."

" Okay got it just text me I'll call you with any news take care." With that I left heading home knowing that I may very well be in danger. As I was driving home I got a text from my brother telling me that plans were cancelled with us and that I need to get home asap. Knowing my brother he was hiding something.... first James visit, then being followed and now my brother  and I'm gonna find out what is happening.


Sorry really late update.... 

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