Present Time

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Anna's POV

And now I'm the proud owner of Winter's Fashion Industry. I'm in New York City with a 45 floored building at the age of 25 and the youngest female business women in the world. I now live in New York with my mother who has become very ill due to stress and depression after losing both her husband and son. I haven't heard from my brother for 5 years and he promised to back around this year but, who knows all I know is that I'll never forgive him.

" Hey! Karly can you bring me my coffee and the file from Carlton's Company." I asked my personal assistant and Best Friend Karly James.

" Here you go and do you need anything else before I leave its 5:30 pm I'm done now." She said with tired eyes.

"No nothing else I have to stay here for a few more hours till 11:00 just call my mother telling her i'll be coming home late and not to wait up for me. And thank you." I said while taking a sip from my coffee.

"Yeah! no problem, i'll see you tomorrow morning Anna. Goodnight" she said as she left my office.

It took me till midnight to finish all the reports and confirm the documents and file. When I got to the gates of my mansion I can see the living room lights on, I pressed the code for the gate and entered my property. I noticed a car that was very unfamiliar but, I unlocked the front door and locked it behind me and entered the living room to see my mother and the back of a man and women in their late 40's.

"Ah! here she is, Gabriella and Evan meet my daughter Anna J. Winter and the proud owner of Winter's Fashion Industry." My mother introduced to none other than the Thomson. Your probably wondering how I know their last name when my mother said their first name this is because I met Evan at a business party 6 months ago but, he never met me I just heard from other people that his company is very successful and is the number 1 company in the world followed by mine coming in second and the A and W company even though they couldn't make it for the award ceremony.

" Hi! Mr. and Mrs. Thomson it's a pleasure to meet you and out of curiosity what brings you here this late at night?." I asked while I shook their hands and said in a more business like tone.

"Anna don't be rude to our guest now sit down and listen to what we say." My mother replied with a sick voice.

"It's okay Christen she's just curious and please call me Gabriella." "And please call me Evan." Both Mr. and Mrs.Thomson said to me.

"Anna you know I have become really ill lately and I know for a fact your brother won't be coming back anytime soon. And you never go out on a date like you use to especial with a guy and its been 5 years and I'm not getting any younger. I want you to marry their son and give me and them a grandchildren. And I don't even know if I'll live any longer to see your wedding and I want someone to take care of you." My mother said a little too fast but, I caught everything. Just because I'm in my 20s doesn't mean I can't take care of myself and she expects me to marry a guy I barely even know. WTF man.

I stood up angrily but, kept myself calm and without bursting out yelling at my mother, and said " Mom you can't be serious right I'm only in my 20s for god sake and beside I don't even know their son and I have to deal with my company and I'm trying to locate Jake and bring him home. I already have enough going on in my life I don't want to add in marriage and love into my stress." I said out of breathe and sat back tired as hell.

"Anna sweetie I know your a very busy women but I don't want to leave you alone and without a family, at least think about it." my mother said with teary eyes and I hugged my mother and told her i'll think about it.

"I'm so sorry Evan and Gabriella, I know you probably hate me but, I promise i'll think about it and let you know by this Friday." I said with a sincere and tired tone.

"Oh! Sweetie it's okay, take your time I know it's overwhelming you can let us know by next week Friday, you seem really tired and here is my card call us when you are ready we'll leave now." Evan said and left with his wife.

I excourted them out the front door and locked it and saw my mother already up the stairs to go to bed and I followed suit I threw my heels to the side an changed into pyjamas. I looked at the clock to see it was 2 in the morning it seems like it will be a long day.

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