Trouble in Paradise

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Henry's POV

      I had fun with Anna was relaxing and stress free. I wanted to ask her out but, I couldn't bring myself to do it so I had something planned out for today. I going to take her to the beach where I already set up a dinner planned for the two of us and then a stroll on the beach......I know call me cheesy but still I want to see her smile and that I did this for her.

      I was just getting ready to pack up and pick up Anna from her work when I got a call from her brother. I was surprised at how he got it but picked it up anyways.

" Henry! Thank God you picked up we have a problem"

" Wait what..........what do you mean we have a problem?"          " It's my sister......she's, she's in danger" 

" What did you say, wait start from the beginning tell me exactly how she's in danger" And at this point I was honestly afraid of what he was going to say.

Anna's POV

I drove home thinking the possibility that something really bad may happen. My brother is always straight forward whenever coming to a matter but, when it was something serious involving a loved one he tends to hide stuff behind peoples back so that wouldn't know what is going on or get hurt. As I opened the gates to my house I noticed Richards car, my brother's, Henry's, and someone else's car. Well this is interesting.

I opened the front door to be greeted with everyone silently talking to one another but, I noticed that my mother was out of sight. " Um..where's mom? and what are you guys doing here and why'd you cancel our plans tonight?" well somethings off.

"Anna its nothing I cancelled our plans because we have a major problem......what's the date on Saturday?" what kind of question is that. " It's the 6th of February on a Saturday........why'd... oh shit that's moms birthday, wait is mom out?"

" Yeah my mom just took her out so we can plan her the party." Ah so that's why Henry's here. "Well it seems someone forgot about me. Anna long time no see huh?" OH Clevon Alexander my brother's best friend hum haven't seen him for ever. He was like my second brother whenever my brother couldn't be there for me he always knew how to make me feel better.

" Oh My God! Clevon! My favorite brother haven't seen you in forever you left me you know 5 years ago with my brother. Kinda mad you took him away from me." With that he chuckled and hugged me.

" Cough* I'm your favorite brother remember that." Jake was always the jealous type.

" Anyways so mother's party where are we hosting it and how many people are invited?" I asked happily, to be honest i thought that something bad was going on, and that everyone was hiding it from me. At least now I know its to plan a party for mom.

"Well that's why I cancelled our plans and invited everyone hear to help us. Richard is going to take care of the invites from our family side, Henry here can get one of his friends to bake a cake, and Clevon and I will be in charge of food. And you my dear sister need to look into where we can host the party." Wow my brother thought about everything huh the venue easy to get cause I know exactly who to ask.

"Oh the venue is simple to get I know someone who can help me with that. All we just got to do is keep it a surprise from mother and we got to get her presents." 

"Well okay and sorry to worry you, so I guess we have a lot to do we got to get everything confirmed and set tomorrow. Goodnight Anna." With that i hugged everyone a goodnight and head upstairs to sleep.

Jake's POV

Ugh! That arrogant son of a bitch. James will forever be on my death list. When I got a call from Clevon he told me that James Anderson came by to the office and guess what. That little shit head was trying to use our power and money to get what he wants. He plans on using my cousin Richard to follow my sisters where abouts. He wants to break them up so when she is at her weakest he's gonna kidnap her and forcefully marry him. How pathetic and sick. He basically threatened Clevon that if he didn't agree that he will make sure that he brings our company to the dirt. So when Clevon being an idiot he is didn't have a single clue that Winter's Fashion Industry was run by my sister and that we have the power and ability to destroy his father's company he agreed but, didn't want to make it official until I came in and we all sat together.

After telling my sister that I was heading to work I had multiple of  ideas on how to strangle James. He doesn't know that I'm Anna's brother but, today he will figure out that we Winter's will always over power him, his father's company and anything he does. Driving up to my company I made sure that he had arrived first in our office while Clevon met up with me right outside our office. Don't worry we have our office monitored 24/7  with hidden cameras so we know what goes around it and its jam prof. I let Clevon walk in before he introduces me.

James POV

I'm now seated in A&W's office, I mean there's no one here but, if I'm caught snooping I could end up behind bars and I'm not letting that happen. And before I could question myself the office doors opened revealing Clevon. 

" Hi where is your partner in crime? huh? No show if you think he isn't a good enough business partner I'm available." I replied to Clevon when I didn't see his partner.

"That won't be necessary considering the fact he is right behind those doors. James please welcome Jake.K.W." and as soon as he said that a tall, dark hair man walked in. He looked quite familiar. Pushing that to aside I got straight down to business and talked about everything that I had in plan. Well you guys are wondering that why would I threaten them, well since they are known world wide they are very powerful  and have many connections but, considering the fact they are naive I can easily manipulate them making them work under me.

As I finished everything I noticed throughout Jake was one his phone and Clevon already knowing this information still listened but, didn't bother talking back. Finally after minutes later Jake looked back and asked, " What's in it for us? I mean your going to try and kidnap her, forcefully marry her, and take over her company what do we get out from this?" well that's a damn good question shit. 

"Well I will give you half of her shares to you huh?" " Well my decision is a no, I will not agree to something so decisive." Clevon had said, shit Jake is smarter than I thought he talked him out of it.  "And for myself I would have to disagree myself I mean I can never do such a thing to any women and besides we have more control and power than you son the next time you waltz in here thinking you can threaten us think again." Shit he is smarter than I thought. Without a second glance I made sure that I will make them pay for not helping me in getting what I want. 

I will get you one way or another Anna. You WILL BE MINE.


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Anna's BMW

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