Welcome Back Suckers!!!

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Hey guys!

As promised A SEQUAL because some people politely asked me privately to continue, which don't get me wrong I loved that you guys did, but I think that my favorite was when someone commented 'CONTINUE' on the last chapter of We good...bro? and then when I told them their wish was my command and that I wanted to know if they would like a sequel they replied with 'continue' once again. YOU MY FRIEND ARE MY FAVORITE!!!!!!! I love all of you guys too but she just made mine and Hannah's day a hell of a lot better when she did that. So anyways here are the first few chapters I am not going to promise that I will update on a certain day of the week this time but I am going to promise at LEAST one chapter a week. If I cannot do that I will end up doing a double update the next week. School Is starting back up again and I will be busy with homework and such so I won't have as much brainstorming time.

If you have any ideas for the story or a new character feel free to send me a message privately or you can post it on my wall whatever works for you. I love you guys and have fun reading and please comment I love to hear you guys' input on the story.

That was flawless!!! ~ Stevie

YOU'RE FLAWLESS!! ~ Ally (looks through screen and mentally facepalms)



OH...ok ~Ally

I told you the safe word is sprinkles. (lesbian story)(Stally)Where stories live. Discover now