Chapter 5

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*Stevie's Pov.*

I cannot believe her. I can't believe me. Why did I have to fall for her? I fucking blew it again. She asked me on a date and I walked in here and started crying. I knew she left because of the fact that I heard the door creak shut. I calmed myself down and looked at my phone. 1 message from 'Love of my Life <3' 1 missed call from 'SPAGS AHOY'. I called Ali back and we decided to go out because lets face it she comes over everyday any way. Not even a minute later someone knocked on my door. Rolling my eyes I ran to the bathroom. "SPAGS HELP HE'S HURTING ME HELPPPPPPPPPPPP!" My front door busted open and she came running into the bathroom jumping through the door frame doing a strange karate pose. I screamed at her and threw a bucket of cold water on her. Her scream caused my next door neighbor to come banging on the door. "STEVIE  I'M COMING IN!!!!" He busted in with a gun ready in his bathrobe wide open in boxers. He came up to the bathroom door and started laughing at us. "SENPAI!!!" I yelled covering my eyes. Ali and Jake high fived and walked out of the room. I walked into my living room where Ali was sitting and I could see Jake walking back into his apartment. 

"Wanna go to a club?" I raised my eyebrow at her. "Straight out with it are we? And sure." "Cool we are walking down to this new place near Starbucks. I already invited Al and Jake. One of my other friends I don't know if you have met her, but her name is Sarah Croce and she is going to meet us a Starbucks. I have to do a video with her after we leave the club. (a/n Calling In Drunk season 1 :p)  Is that ok with you?" I nod and look at myself in the mirror.  Going back into my room I put my phone in my back pocket and grab a few twenty's. "LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" I yell running out of the room and almost falling down after hitting someones chest. "Idiot." James's boyfriend Matt says. "Asshole." I say laughing and taking his hand as he pulls me up. "Yeah I love his asshole." Matt says pointing over to Jake. "WOW JUST WOW!" I laugh and pull on my boots. A knock at my door reminded us all that we should have left already. "That must be Sarah I got it." Ali said getting up. Wait wasn't she supposed to meet us there? Ali walks back mumbling something to a beautiful girl about my height with mesmerizing blue eyes. "Sarah this is Matt, Jake, and Stevie. OH and i'm Ali and you are Sarah." "Nice to meet you Sarah." Sarah said shaking her hand. Matt and Jake chuckled but I looked at her weird. I don't know but she's not, like, I don't know how to say this, she just has a weird aura. She went around greeting the boys and came up to me. Grabbing my hand and bringing it up to her lips and kissing the back hand. "Merci Mademoiselle." I pulled my hand back abruptly due to having a flash back of when me and Ally first met. "Um let's go." I ushered everyone out of my apartment and locked the door. "Hey Stevie I am sorry if I did something wrong in there I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I swallowed and looked at her.

"You did nothing wrong...Looks like they started without us shall we?" I put out my hand for her to take she nodded and intertwined out fingers. I was so caught up thinking about how I fucked up a lot of things a while ago. "I SHIP IT!" Ali had turned around and caught us holding hands. We unhooked hands and made a space in between us. We got inside and Jake said that he was not drinking so there fore they would monitor us. I automatically ordered vodka. Shot after shot. Soon I was tipsy and out of money. I paid and was about to leave when Sarah stopped me with a bottle of beer. "Here. I thought you would like this I just didn't want to assume that you like fruity drinks." I took the beer and Thanked her taking a swig. I went to the front where there is a giant window. "Is that ally?" Spags asked coming up to me. Sarah came and gave me a hug and offered to walk me home which I was fine with. Just as we got out she looked at me and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back placing one hand on her neck and the other on her hip. She tangled her hands in my hair and her tongue swiped over my bottom lip. I allowed her access and she kissed me more passionately and pulled back with my lip between her teeth. "ALLY!" Spags came out of the bar making us break apart and look at the other side of the street where Ally almost got hit my a car and was still booking it in the opposite direction she had been heading. "What's wrong with me." I ran to my apartment and went inside locking everything and going to my room. "Why can't I do anything right?" I sobbed for a while before grabbing my lamp and throwing it as hard as I could against the wall. Shattering everywhere and making the cats flip the fuck out in the other room. 

I told you the safe word is sprinkles. (lesbian story)(Stally)Where stories live. Discover now