chapter 3

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*Stevie's Pov*

"I wanna forgive you." The words flew out of her mouth like she had rehersed them. "You said cheating is unforgivable." She chuckled. "Yes I did didn't I? Do you remember how the landlord put up the security cameras because of those break in's?" I nodded not knowing where she was going with this. "I called her, her name is Steph by the way weird right? Anyways as I was saying I called her and don't get mad I asked her to send me the footage and I saw that you did not kiss her.....At first. I need to know do you have feelings for her?" I shook my head no furiously. "Will you speak please... I feel like I am alone right now." "No I do not have feelings for her. I don't know why I kissed her actually yeah I do. I am used to doing that. Ally I was with her for four fucking years I didn't know she was going to show up and make a move. I thought she just wanted to hang out seeing as I thought neither of us had feelings anymore I guess I am wrong. The things is you ask me if I have feelings for her and I am going to be honest yes deep down I have feelings for her yes I love her but I am not in love with her. I am in love with you and only you and I fucked up and kissed someone else why does that," I paused to take a shaky breath and look through blurry eyes at the girl I fell in love with at a coffee shop. "Why does that matter in all of the millions of mistakes we have all made in our lives and will make while we are together. I get that you think cheating is unforgivable. And I think that you have a point but either way. If we are together or not I'm not going to stop loving you. I am not in love with anyone else but you and I plan to keep it that way." I did not want her to see me cry so I stood up without another word and walked out the door. Hearing a faint wait I paused at the door. "I get to go home tonight. Maybe you could come hang out with Danny and I at my house?" My heart started to hurt with that because she still isn't mine but I walked off giving her a nod before I started to walk back to my apartment. As I entered whiskey and ziggy came up to me. "She's not coming home guys I'm sorry." I said looking at them tilt their heads and mewling at me. I looked around the apartment and saw that basically everything was hers. I started to clean up and move her things into her closet crying the whole time. Finally i got everything that was hers out of view and put away so that I will not find it again. I did keep out her white guitar and pizza boxers. Sighing I hopped into the shower. Crossing my arms over my chest and placing my hands on my shoulders I sigh wondering if she is missing me as much as I miss her. This was the biggest fuck up of my life. I get out grabbing the towel that was hanging on the door wrapping it around my body I walk into the livingroom drying my hair. I find my phone on the table with a notification text from Ally.

Ally to Stevie: That moment when you are so proud of yourself for making the perfect pancake like its perfect coloring, size and a perfect circle......I just had that moment.

Stevie to XD Am I still coming over tonight?

I just put on pajamas and waited for the reply that didn't come. An hour later she opens the door to Ally with a pizza box and a red rose with yellow tips. "May I come in?" I nodded and stepped aside. Quirking an eyebrow I sit down with the love of my fucked up life hoping I'm the same to her.

I told you the safe word is sprinkles. (lesbian story)(Stally)Where stories live. Discover now