chapter 10

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*Stevie's pov*

About ten minutes later I hear the guest bedroom door open and then close. The padding of feet culd be heard coming to my bedroom door and I instantly sit up and turn on the light. Tears brimming my eyes as Ally pokes her head in and gives me a regretful look. "Hey, hey, hey, don't cry baby please don't cry. I just had to watch a friend cry for four hours straight." She walked over to the bed, crawled onto my side with me. But the thing is I couldn't help but flinch at her touch. I just heard her lead another girl into our house after being gone for hours. She sighs softly and grabs her pillows and walked out of the room. I am numb and I am terrified most of the time I get these awesome feeling from her but nothing...I think im not in love anymore. 

*a/n I'm not in love with my ex anymore and I don't know why but I just... The fact that he legit is happy I'm not gonna dwell on him anywhere I spent my birthday in the hospital and yesterday was hell.  I'm sorry the chapter is so short but you know,  depression and constant suicidal thoughts make it to where you don't have motivation for anything.

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