chapter 2

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*danny's pov*

I'm on my way to the hospital Ally was in an accident and I am her emergency contact. She is consious and has a broken arm and leg along with a really bad attitude. I arrived and asked where 209 would be and they led me there. "Finally geez Dan did you get lost?" She asked with tears welling up. I walked over and sat on the edge of the bed pulling her sobbing body into my chest and holding onto her. "Shhh it'll be ok I promise." She looked up at me with a pissed off expression and pushed me off the bed. I went over and grabbed a chair sitting by her bed. Looking at the red faced girl I had a feeling she was not going to tell me what was going on. Where is Stevie anyways? Maybe they didn't call her I should go do that. "I'm going to go call Stevie." "NO!" She yelled at me pulling me back into my chair. "Why she is your girl-" "SHE'S NOT MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!" Ally yelled capturing a passing nurses attention. Peeking her head in she politely asked for us to keep it down. I turned and looked at my crying best friend. "You know whatever happened will work itself out you guys are made for eachother." She sighed defeated and with her voice cracking she whispered. "She kissed her the door way of our apartment. I broke it off. I can't be with her she kissed someone else while we were in a relationship and continued to when I even saw them." This doesn't sound like stevie. I lied telling Ally I needed to go water her parents plants which she understood. I got into my car and drove to Stevie's apartment still listening to Ally's request to pick up the rest of her things and not to tell Stevie that she was in an accident well actually maybe not that part. Knocking on the door I was getting impaitent. Stevie peeked through the black curtains. I heard feet padding to the door. She opened it looking behind and around me before she grabbed my hand and took me straight into the livingroom where it was evident that she had been drinking for hours.

"Stevie I need you to tell me what happened." she sighed and lit a ciggarette. I walked over taking the pack and lighter from her along with the lit ciggarette stomping it out on the tile. "I kissed Riley." She said breaking the silence. "Stevie....." "Don't Stevie me. Everyone knew that we weren't going to last anyways. I don't know why I kissed Riley. Yes I feel like shit. Yes I wish I had Ally here with me. But she has told me many times that she doesn't give second chances to cheaters. I have no way to get her back so you might as well take her stuff becuase she clearly won't be here to get it herself." I was pissed. No I was furious. "FIRST OF ALL DON"T YOU EVER FUCKING SAY THAT! SECONDLY YOU JUST LET HER WALK OUT OF YOUR LIFE! SHE IS IN THE FUCKING HOSPITAL AND YOU ARE HERE DROWNING IN SELF FUCKING PITY! I thought you knew what was best for my best friend but clearly you are more interested in your side hoe than the person that showed all of her love for you." I threw twenty bucks at the stunned girl sitting on the couch. "Go buy yourself more booze." I was walking out of the door when I heard stomping. I turned around only to be met with a bitch slap. I was about to slap her back but went with my sane side and just clenched my teeth. Speaking through gritted teeth she grabbed the collar of my shirt. "What room and why is my girlfriend in the hospital." She demanded. Making me smile at the reappearence of Stevie. I told her about the crash which brought her tough bitch attitude to a peak not having a single tear she took my car keys and drove off leaving me stranded at her apartment. "FUCK!" I yelled to no one in particular. I shot a text to Ally telling her that Stevie was on her way and that they WILL talk.

*Stevie's Pov*

Ally was driving too fast away from ou-my apartment and got into an accident. I was on my way to Al's because let's face it I deserve the slap in the face she is going to give me. I arrived and she is already outside with tears streaming down her face.

She saw me and automatically stormed over to me shoving me back as hard as she can. "YOU COULDN'T JUST HAVE HER YOU HAD TO KISS SOMEONE ELSE!" I took the repeated punches into my shoulder's but why is she crying Ally is fine right? She was sobbing into my chest as I got a text. It was from Danny. "Ally passed out from a concussion and something happened to where she fell out of bed and hit her head. She has been in a coma for the past two hours." Fuck I have been here for two hours? I opened the car door for Al but she shook her head. "I can't see my best friend hooked up to a ton of tubes and machines. If I can't handle you cheating How could I handle that?" Another shot to my heart and I was crying on my way to see my...She isn't even mine anymore. I ruined that. I Ruined our relationship. Yes riley kissed me but the fact is I kissed back instead of pushing her away. I parked on the side of the road before heading to Amanda's house. Amanda used to stay with me and Ally for a while after her parents kicked her out. Arriving at her house. I knocked no answer so I called her. I started crying thinking about what I was going to do. She unlocked the door as she answered Me scaring her and making her scream into the phone making me deaf. I didn't drive here I walked. I didn't even tell her anything but I did pull her into a hug and sobbed into her shoulder. "Babe who is....What's wrong Stevie?" Amy asked sitting next to me on the couch rubbing my back. I didn't answer her I just sobbed into Amanda's shirt. Before I knew it I was asleep with my head resting on her shoulder and my arms wrapped around her tightly. Before I was comepletely out I heard Amanda say, "Call Ally and Danny." I woke up feeling like total shit. First things I realize are One I am In Amanda's bed and two there is a sticky note on my forehead. Pulling it off I slowly am able to make out what it says thinking it is all a dream I walk into the livingroom where the house is empty. I look at the calendar and it is January 13th. I could've sworn last night was the tenth....I get a drink and go back to the bedroom still sleepy I look at the sticky not again. I read the words over and over again. "Stevie, Danny told us everything. We aren't mad. Ally woke up asking for you at five last night but we couldn't wake you up. Call us when you are on your way." Wait she wants to see me? why? She should hate me. I shoot a text their way saying I am getting an uber that way. I run into the lobby and up to the front desk asking for Ally Hills. They give me her room number and I run to it having been in the same room for my foot a while back. I run to the room and almost run in but I stop myself with my hands on the door frame taking in the sight before me. She has bruises everywhere a busted lip and her nose looks like It is broken. She looks at me and her smile faulters a bit. "Guys can I talk to stevie alone for a bit?" She was answered with everyone slowly flowing out of the room. I walk in and stand awkwardly by the open door. "Shut the door and come over here dork." She says trying to keep a light mood. I look at her and her eyes are watering. The four words I never thought I would hear come from her mouth made my heart stop.

I told you the safe word is sprinkles. (lesbian story)(Stally)Where stories live. Discover now