Chapter 11

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Stevie's pov

I don't think that I can say that I am in love anymore it is constantly pain with us...Its just not healthy anymore. Her eyes are getting duller by the day and she doesn't laugh like she used to and I am so tired of not being able to make her feel better. I guess cancer does that to you. 

Ally's pov

Stevie must think that I was cheating on her with that girl... I fucked up seeing as it was nearly 9 in the morning I let go of her and headed to the kitchen. I made some coffee and called the clinic. If this is what she wants me to do I am going to do it. After four rings someone answers me. "Yes..I would like to speak to Dr.Jordan....Hello I know I said that I did not want to do the treatment but I would like to actually start it....Ill see you Tuesday then." I walk back into the bedroom with two cups of coffee. Stevie is packing her things up and I just...."Stevie I need you to go to the hospital with me on Tuesday." She sighs and spins to look back at me with a exasperated look on her face. "Why." "I start chemo." Her face shifted to a look of disbelief. I put the coffee down and walked over to her slowly. I wrapped my arms around her softly and she sobbed into my shoulder holding me tightly. I pulled back and wiped her tears, tracing her lips with my thumb. I leaned in and kissed them ever so softly. Taking in the taste of mint and Coffee.  I soon feel her hands wrap into my hair and her tongue ask for interest. I let her have access and my hands start to travel under her shirt and up her torso. Taking in every bit of her I flip us to where she is under me, pulling back to ask silently if this is okay. Her lips meeting mine again is the only answer I need. I start to kiss her more roughly. I started to unbuckle her pants until there was a soft knock on the door. I flip off of her really quick and flip the blanket over her so she is covered. "Hey whats up its open." "I just wanted to thank you for giving me  place to sleep I am going to head out now." I launch up off of the bed in confusion. "What why?!" 

Batman's pov

I feel like an intruder in this house. Although I am with the people who saved me I feel as if I shouldnt be here. These are two gorgeous women that are living their lives, they dont need a trans 15 year old boy living with them and Ally doesn't even know that I am. I feel like I am just unwanted so I told them that I was going to leave. Ally seemed almost mad. I didn't know what to do so I just ran back into the room I was in last night. I could hear them talking but I didnt want to disrupt them. I should have never accepted her invitation. 

I told you the safe word is sprinkles. (lesbian story)(Stally)Where stories live. Discover now