Chapter 9

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*Ally's pov*

I started the car and drove away, deep breaths. I had been driving for a while and i still had not noticed that i was leaving LA. I had just been going straight. I needed to get out of here. The leaves on the sides of the road and the dark sky. My headlights illuminating the neon signs, i decided to pull over. This small driveway was perfect. I pulled in and pushed the stick into park. I got out and noticed a girl sitting on the picnic table staring at me. I get ready to run as she stands up and grabs something. She comes closely and I notice her features. She has a book and a pen. "Ay don't look so scared I was just going to ask for your autograph." "Why would you want my autograph?" She blushes and shrugged, "Do i have to say that i watch your videos?" "Tru tru tru, what is your name?" She smiles brightly. "Batman.." I smile because i know who she is. "So batman, what is your reason for being here so late its nearly two a.m. and you are all alone." "Thinking I found out someone in my family died a few hours ago and everything is so hectic, and I didnt know them and when I was still laughing and stuff my family flipped out and i took off." I felt bad,"I am sorry, since you know who I am would you like a ride anywhere?" She pondered for a minute and shrugged, "i dont really have anywhere to go besides home, my girlfriends parents hate me." Damn, this kid is really having a bad night. I mean me and Stevie have netflix, cats, and an extra room....i guess it is worth a shot. "Well, me and sassibob have an extra room, if you would like you can come to our place i dont think she would mind." Her face brightened and she hugged me. She was shaking so much i thought she was going to explode and when she pulled back i saw tears on her face. "Hey no no dont cry its okay, just dont cry kid." She started crying more and i just wrapped my arms back around her and suddenly we were sitting on the ground. This day just can't get any worse. Next thing i know it is raining.

*Stevie's pov*

I can not believe that I just said that to Ally. She must have been really hurt because her face turned into one of pure pain and she spun out as she left the drive way. I arrive back at home hoping she would be there so I could apologize and we could work this out, unfortunately when I pulled into the garage her car was neither in the drive way nor the garage. I was starting to get worried because although we had had our differences in the past we always made sure to text the other so we knew that everyone was okay even if it was a rude remark instead of I love you. I sat on the couch and thought for a little while checking my phone for that text until 4:30 but it never came. I finally decided I was too tired to stay up any later so I shut off the light and went to our bedroom. About an hour later I hear the door unlock and two clumsy pairs of footsteps follow. The I heard some whispering and giggling and then the guest room door shut.

I told you the safe word is sprinkles. (lesbian story)(Stally)Where stories live. Discover now