chapter 8

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*ally's pov*

She looked so broken. She stormed out of the room and just ran. I messed up I messed up so bad. I don't know what to do so i just sit there and stare at the wall. Noodle is meowing and I look at her. I grab my guitar and keys lock up and I leave to Al's maybe she will help me a bit. The drive was relatively silent. Meaning the only thing that I thought was about the way to get to her house. I put the car in park and popped the trunk grabbing the guitar I walked into Al's. "DANNY!!" I put my guitar down and hugged him. "Suh dood?" He couldn't even stop laughing as soon as he said it. I chuckled and walked into the living room. On the couch Stevie was crying in Al's shoulder. Oh man. I know that if I say something I will not be able to touch her, so I walk around the couch and sit behind her and rub her back. "Sh-she didn't even want to tell mee! She just decided everything without me.." "Maybe she just chose what she thought was right?" "No. She just wanted to be selfish and she didn't care what happened to my heart again." Al pulled away from her and looked her in the eye. "If she didn't care what happened to your heart she would have never forgiven you or tried to hide it from you." Danny emerged from the kitchen and stood in the doorway, "You know she's right Boebi." She sat straight up. "Wait who is behind me?" I gulped and decided maybe I should say something. "Well...I am...." I looked down and she stood up instantly. Before she could say anything I stood up and left. I grabbed my guitar and went back to my car throwing it in the backseat I was rushing to get back into my car I tugged on the door with tears running down my face I got it open and slammed my butt down into the seat and slammed the door shut making my head hurt I tugged on the seat belt but it was stuck. I let it go and tried to put my key in the ignition but i couldn't find where the key went. I put my forehead on the wheel and started sobbing. At this point every sob that shook my body hurt so bad. I gripped the steering wheel with both hands. My knuckles were white. I tried to calm down but My breathing was always cut short by a sob. I was about to just start screaming I was so tired of it but I feel like this is what i deserve. Maybe i wouldn't have cancer if It wasn't for being around someone that chain smoked in a past relationship. I could do the treatment but chemo is known for hair loss and I don't want to do that I am afraid if that happens Stevie will leave me anyways. i don't know what to do anymore.. I was cut out of my thoughts by a tap on the window. She was standing there with her arms crossed she looks like she has cried non-stop for the last hour. "Why are you still here. I thought you would have gone back home." I looked at her and her solid expression was faltering she looked like she regretted saying that. "Look you should come in you have been out here for the last twenty minutes." I looked at her and I was pissed as fuck. "No I was just about to leave." I growled back at her. "Don't make me out to be the bad guy Ally. If I found out that I had cancer you would be the first person I told." "I'm sorry i didn't know YOU had the right to tell ME what i need to do with the information I get." She scoffed. "You know what Ally I'm going to go inside. I do not want to fight with you. Don't care what happens I love you no matter what," She started to walk off but stopped and looked at my face. "Kill em with kindness." She walked off leaving me to my thoughts again.

*flashback to the week after Stally got back together.*

Stevie was at work so I called Al to drive me to the doctor because everytime I moved I got the overwhelming need to vomit. I got outside and almost fell down luckily Al was walking with her arm wrapped around me. I blacked out and woke up in the hospital. Al was looking at my phone worried. "What's going on with my phone?" "Oh jesus you scared me but Stevie is blowing up your phone and there is something the doctor has to tell you...." She looked at me with solem eyes. She walked into the hallway for a bit and walked back in behind a 20 or 25 male with fading blue hair, and he had a nose piercing. "Now before you say anything My name is Jordan. And i know I am not like most doctors with my appearence but I promise i have the same training. I hate breaking this to people but there is no easy way to say this but we got your bloodtest back and you....urh you have cancer. Im sorry." "Your kidding right? Not funny but you got me what did my test really say?" He just looked at me with a sad face. I looked at al and she frowned at me "al?" "You have cancer ally." "Ma'am there are some treatments you can choose." "I dont want treatment can i leave now."
*end of flashback*

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