chapter 1

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*ally pov*
*clears throat* Ahh where was it that we left off? *Turns a few pages* ah RIGHT! Okay are you ready to hear the next chapter in Stevie and I's life together..... Ah yes that is what I thought. Shall we begin?

"Penguin?" Stevie asked looking up at me with tear filled eyes. We were watching titanic and we have each cried a river. "How may I be of service to the beautiful lady laying on my lap?" She chuckled and rubbed her eyes as she yawned. "What do we have to do today?" I pulled out my phone and went to my calendar, Ok nothing on here.....I then checked out my note page on my phone as well coming up with nothing. I put my phone away and when I looked back at her I got distracted.

Her eyes that I fell in love with the moment that I had seen them. Her lips that created our first kiss even though she doesn't remember it. The way she yells "GODDAMMIT!" Whenever we mess up on a collab. The way she gets so into whatever she is doing that she actually can start crying. The way her smile alone could make my heart melt and my knees weak. The way she wins every single fight we have. The wa-

" to Ally." I shake my head as she raises an eyebrow and laughs. "What's on your mind?" She asks sitting up and stretching her arms and back. "Umm let's, your body, and more you." I say seriously. She gives me her bitch face and then pushes her hand into my face making my head hit the back of the couch. "Yeah well i'm not in the mood right now." She says chuckling from the kitchen. I look at her and prepare my voice to be weak and high pitched. "Come back....come back!" I start whistling....well that was until I got a piece of bread with mayo thrown at my face. May I say that for a girl with terrible hand eye coordination she really can make a piece of bread stick to your face from a room away. I pulled it off and got up walking over to her slowly making sure that she couldn't get away from me this time. "Stevie can I have a kiss?" Her eyes got wide and she shook her head no. I placed the bread down on the table and subtlety got a spoonful of mayo. "But I want a kiss." she shook her head no again. "Ok fine have it your way." I shrugged and turned around and took a few steps before turning back around to face her and flinging the spoonful of mayo at her. Hitting her right in the middle of the face with a plop! She wiped the mayo off of her eyes with her fingers shaking it off to the ground. She looks at me and is puh-issed. I mean she looks like she is about to rage. "You bitch." She says before taking a deep breath and walking away. Smiling a sinister smile.......Oh no what have I done?

*stevie's pov*

Ally just threw a fucking glob of mayo at my face. I need revenge. I gotta text al and we are gonna collaborate.

Stevie to Al- Hey can you halp me wit sometin?

Al to Stevie- Help** With** Something** and sure what with?

Stevie to Al- bitch puh-lease don't correct my magnificent grammar...XD anyways I need to get revenge on Ally for throwing a glob of mayo ot my face....She got it on my nose and eyes!!!!!

Al to Stevie- At** but omg you guys should've came to live here. One day in your life is more exciting than my whole life.....Anywhore how mean do you want the prank?

Stevie to Al- Meanest we can manage.

Al to Stevie- Ok thenn.....You are TOTALLY the best girlfriend ever. She has a fear of dead people in cars right? Well take her on a date but don't drive walk there and on the way back pass by my place and me and Danny boi will be in cars with some other friends blood and everything on windows. Guaranteed to make her cry

Stevie to Al- Whoa you are a fucking genious. I am so doing that. I'll take her on a date at 5:30 and then by the time we are walking back it will be dark. How will you know when to get ready?

Al to Stevie- Just text me when you guys are about 5 min away. I gtg get the stuff and I need to round up people....Oh and just because you're my cousin doesn't mean that I won't smack you if you hurt her in anyway.
Stevie to Al- I won't I love her way too much. ttyl

I washed the rest of the nasty goop off of my face and walked back downstairs only to see ally burning sandwiches.....BURNING SANDWICHES! I pulled up snapchat and started to make fun of her. Posting it I set the table so we could eat. She sat down and looked at our sandwiches and frowned. Looking up she actually looked hurt. "I really tried to cook for you to make you feel better. I'm sorry for throwing mayo at you." I smiled because I know she does not feel sorry for throwing it as she smiled and stifled a chuckle. "Ok then would you like to go on a date with me?" She nodded I smiled. "Beautiful I have to go over to mum and dad's I'll be back at four ok?" I nodded and kissed her. She walked out. About ten minutes later Riley knocked on the door.

"hey Riley." She looked at me and leaned in connecting our lips. She kissed me and I kissed her back. Smiling at the familiar feeling of her lips all thoughts of Ally faded from my mind.

*Ally pov*

I saw it all...she kissed her... I walked back to my car with the daisies I bought for her. Driving over to our apartment where the two were still sucking face. I got out slamming the door shut making Stevie and Riley turn around quickly. I walked up to them and threw the daisy's at Stevie pushing past and running into our room. Grabbing my black and white backpack throwing clothes into it popping on one of my hats and sunglasses ignoring Stevie's pleas for me to listen to her. I walked to the front door. I looked at her and all I could think of was them sucking face. I thought about these words the whole time I was packing. Taking a deep breath and throwing my backpack onto the porch and grabbing my instruments I spoke the hardest words of my life. "We're over Stevie. I hope she is worth it." And with that I scooped up my bag and ran to my car cheeks drenched in tears. Speeding off I made it to a stop light close to my mum and dad's in a rush to get there I decided to change and go to Danny. As I turned the corner there was a crash and my car spun out and drove into the tree....
Guys Hey I am sorry I just really want to get this going so This was good I think. This is making up for the last book being so.....boring. Anyways see ya in a minute.

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