Chapter 6

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*stevie's pov*

I melted against her as she held me close and kissed back as hard as I could. When she pulled away I immediatly pulled her back in. I couldn't get enough of her. When I pulled away due to a lack of air and she fell on the couch. "Woah." I looked at her and chuckled. I didn't really know what to do or where I stood in her life at the moment so I didn't want to sit down and cuddle with her like I usually would. I do not want her to think that I think that we are perfectly fine now. We are not perfect we are not at the stage we were before. I broke her trust and I need to fix that. At the moment I have her in my life and im not changing that for anything. Looking down at the girl sitting on the couch staring in awe at me I realize she is my life. Granting her wish for me to sit down next to her, as asked by her outstretched arms and her hands grasping the air for me to come close. I wrap my arms around her and we sit like that forever...well until her stomach growls.

Looking down at her I see she is asleep and I know she is not faking because I poked her cheek she always gives herself away. Suddenly she shoots up looks at me wide eyed and said, "I have chicken nuggets I need to eat." Got up walked to the kitchen counter grabbed her chicken nuggets sat by me and ate them. She sat the last one stood up again threw the container in the trash and walked to me grabbing my hand taking me to the bedroom and falling face first onto the bed. Next thing I know she is asleep again and im standing awkwardly beside her. Im absolutely in love with her. I kiss the top of her head and crash on the couch.

Ally's pov*

Well that happened. I ended up passing out next to stevie on the couch and I know that I dragged her into my berdroom....Where is she. Getting up I walk into the living room to find a fimiliar shape of a person laying on my couch. I slowly walk into the kitchen to grab a cup of water for payback. Putting the ice cubes in it I wait for them to melt all the while having a weird expression on my face. I think It was a mi between a pug and a smirk on a chimpanzee. Finally all of the Ice melted and I yelled for stevie. Making sure it sounded as if I was in distress. Frantically I heard the coffee table getting tripped over and the sound of footsteps running to me. "Wh-" She was cut short by her own inhuman screech and was glaring at me. I stopped laughing and she was slowly walking towards me. "I should probably run shouldn't I?" She nodded and stomped her foot like she was taking off running making me run up the stairs and into my mom and dad's room. She knocked on the door quietly. "Housekeeping." She said in a high-pitched voice. "GO AWAY AND DON'T FRACTURE YOUR FOOT AGAIN!!!" Laughing I walked out to be tackled. With my back against the wall and my wrists to the side of my head enclosed in her hand I decided to surrender. "Do your worst." She looked shocked I gyess I could see why. I never gave up a competition. She let go of me and looked at me confusedly. "What just happened?" I shrugged and walked to my room pulling out a DRY outfit for her to wear. "I think we need to talk." I looked at her and nodded agreeing with her.

As she walked out into the livingroom having showered and changed She sat down on the couch crossed her legs and looked at me. I thought for a second but every way to start this conversation would be awkward so I just waited for her to start. "*sigh* what are we Ally?/" I don't know. I don't know what we are stevie. "Are we friends? Are we dating? Are we girlfriends ? Are we basic white girls? Are we stereotypical lesbians? What are we." I looked at her and smirked. "No to yes and yes to no on all of those." "ALLY IM SERIOUS!" she yelled laughing. "Ok 1. Besties, 2. idk, 3. wanna be?, 4. HELL YAH, 5. Have you seen us. Yas." "Wait wait wait what did you say for three?" I cleared my throat and grabbed my favorite bandana and kneeled in front of her. "Steven Roberts, will you be my very hawt girlfwend and make me sandwiches and kiss my boo boo's and make me feel better while I TRY to do the same?" "Yes I will kiss your boo boo's better Ally." I smiled and tied the bandana around her wrist. She pulled out her phone and recorded a video on Snapchat making me blush. "Look how hawt my Girlfwend is in her black on black outfit." "Stahhhhhhhppp."

Im sorry it is short. Its my brithday my grandma is in the hospital and im sick soo today has been awesome. I hope you have a good day and you all are beautiful :D

I told you the safe word is sprinkles. (lesbian story)(Stally)Where stories live. Discover now