chapter 4

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As Ally sat on the end of the couch I sat as far away as i could from her. Not knowing why she was even bothering with me. She sighed. "Stevie...." I looked up at her and i was mesmerized by the green orbs that are looking at me. "Yesh?" I asked pushing up imaginary glasses. She smiled a bit. "So I see you like my boxers....." She says pointing to my penguin pants....wait. Oh my....  "Heh yeah..." I looked down embarrassed that i had answered the door in them. I couldn't help it I needed to know what she was thinking. "What are you thinking about?" She looked at me confused. "What?" "I said what are you thinking about in that pretty head of yours." Blushing she shrugged. "Look Stevie. I don't know when I will get over what you did but at the moment I don't want to think about it. at least can we talk about what happened though? I would like to know your side instead of jumping to conclusions. So im ready to listen when your ready to talk." She sat there fiddling her thumbs and looking at me contently. "Well you left and I got a text from Riley and she said she wanted to hang out, in which you know that we have hung out before with no problem, i said yes. I feel like a dumbass now because she did put a heart and winking face at the end of a 'flirtatious' text. and then...." I finished the story and Ally hasn't said a thing. "Ally please..." "You kissed her back knowing that you were with me?" She asked scrunching her eyebrows together as if she was trying to figure me out. I looked down. "yes.." She said nothing I felt the couch shift and footsteps retreating to the kitchen. Waiting hopefully to return I walked into the kitchen just as the front door closed. I ran outside not caring what my outfit was only to find her walking to Starbucks? Wtf. Her car is still here so that is a plus. I walk back in as I became self conscious. I sat down on the couch and started to watch the walking dead. "Ew rick looks weird without a beard." I said to no one in particular. I looked to the doorway and there stood Ally sipping her latte and smiling. "Whaaat?" I asked still lounging on the couch and not moving just because she came in. "You're cute." "Really?" I asked smiling. "Uhm yeah sure i mean what yeah ew rick does look weird without a beard."
"I'm going to take that as a compliment that you think I am cute." She walked over and plopped down on the floor as I was taking up the whole couch. "I've always thought you were cute." I chuckled. Maybe I haven't lost her maybe she wants me like I want her. I'm not going to rush her though...ugh guess all i can do now is talk.
*Ally pov*
Me and Stevie are on good terms but I don't think I want a relationship with her again...well at the moment at least. I love her but i think I should try to get my mind off of her. At the moment I am getting ready for a date with this really beautiful girl named Tori Kelly. She has curly blonde hair with beautiful brown eyes....although they to not even compare to Stevie's... GOD MOTH----"AHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed at the top of my lungs. This is way harder than i had first anticipated. oh well. We are going to meet up at a bar then hang out at the mall. Typical teenager date right?just as I am grabbing my keys to head out my phone vibrates. sighing I pull it out and look.
Tori- Hey I'm not in cali anymore I had to go meet up with some family I won't be back for a while. Maybe we can go out on that date when I get back?
Great just fucking great.
Ally- Yeah sounds great have fun!
That is the stupidest thing I have ever done. I walk back inside and plop down on the couch. I decided that I wasn't going to waste my day sitting around plus I did my make up and hair for the first time in two weeks. I grabbed a bottle of vodka and headed over to Stevie's. Knocking on the door I was greeted with a furious Stevie. "WHAT?!......oh hi heh..." She is such an idiot sometimes. "I can go since I have bothered you that much just by showing up." I said fake crying. "Shuttup idiot and come in." I glared at her and walked to her bedroom which has become a thing that when I come over I get my guitar from the closet. Looking through all of my stuff I couldn't find my guitar. I walked into the kitchen puzzeled. Looking at Stevie I realize she is dressed up as well sitting at the table she smirks at me. "Sooo let's see. You haven't been over in two weeks and now you show up looking nice with a bottle of vodka....This reminds me of some other time you showed up at my apartment." "No I came over to ask you on a date." She went pale and her mouth hung open. Nice one ally you broke her plus you said you weren't ready for a relationship with her again. "" Oh so she doesn't feel the same anymore. "You didn't...wait are you serious?" "uh yeah?" I hope im not going to end up fucking myself over with this. "I need a minute." She got up and walked into the bedroom and shut the door. I decided to leave since I made her uncomfortable with that question. I got in my car shooting her a text and drove off.
Getting home I decided to go on social media being a little stalkerish I went on Stevie's tumblr remembering that me and Stevie had gone public she still gets asked questions about us as do I but I haven't posted on any social media. One post caught my eye on her page.
Riley had said: "Is it true that you and Ally broke up because you got caught kissing your ex in the doorway of your apartment.?" Stevie just replied to it with three dots and no words. What the fuck is this. I hit the post so that i could also reply on it. I walked over to Stevie's hoping that I would not have to return home without her back on my arm. Wait is that...."oh my god" I put my hand over my mouth to silence my sobs as i ran home almost getting hit more times that i can count. I unlocked the door and ran inside tripping and falling in the living room.. I didn't even try to get up I just sat there sobbing until it literally hurt to breathe. The last thing i remember seeing before i fell asleep was the wooden floor.
What do you guys think she saw that made her change courses? Sorry it is so late i got my phone taken away and i just got it back less than five minutes ago. Anyways I am soooooo sorry about the horrible editing my phone is stupid.... Anyways check out Stallylover987 and their story its a really good work

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