Chapter 7

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*Stevie's Pov*

I am sooooooooooo tired. Ally kept me up all night last night. She kept having nighmares and would wake up screaming and crying. I feel bad for her. Noodle is even worried about her. "Noodle Toofpick Bobblehead Boebi-hills." What the fuck? "Ally are you ok?" I asked feeling her forehead and everything. "That is noodle's full name. Noodle Toofpick Bobblehead Boebi-hills." I looked at her with my major bitch face making her visibly tense and roll off the bed. Not that long after i heard her feet padding down the stairs and I sighed. "What happened while you were gone?" I asked her but she was too far away to hear. I decided to go downstairs and see what she was doing. I silently snuck downstairs and rounded the corner. The couch was facing the opposite side of the room than which I was at. I stood in the door way and she was on the phone crying. " I know it's not her fault." She paused and I could hear the frequency of the other person talking. "No I don't know why I am having the dreams............No i'm not telling her about my cancer........NO! No...don't do that I will tell her.....Yeah Love you too al....ok bye." She hung up and sat on the couch her shoulders shaking from her sobs. I walked and sat down next to her. Making her shoot up and wipe her eyes. She put on a fake smile and asked me, "How long have you been there lady?" I didn't answer as my eyes started to water and a lump formed in my throat. I starteed to sob making her wrap her arms around me tightly. "What's wrong babe?" She asked her voice cracking. "YOU'RE FUCKING LEAVING ME! YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL ME YOU HAD CANCER AND NOW YOU COULD BE LEAVING ME FOREVER! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!!!" She looked at me with a saddened face. "I'm sorry I didn't know how to tell you. I have been having night terrors because I have been planning on doing something but the fact that I might not be here to do it is really hitting me hard." I did not want that answer I was pissed I pushed her off of me and Stood up looking at her made me pissed and made my heart shatter. "ARE YOU NOT EVEN GOING TO TREATMENT??????" I screamed at her. She flinched and shook her head no. I looked at her and my tears have started to flow. I was shocked.

She was leaving me. 

I told you the safe word is sprinkles. (lesbian story)(Stally)Where stories live. Discover now