Chapter 3 - As Deep as The Marianas Trench

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Chapter three - As Deep as The Marianas Trench

*Faith pov*

I didn't feel like sitting in the cafeteria for lunch. I went outside and sat under a tree. Am I aloud out here? I don't even know. I just sat here, leaning against the hard bark, listening to my music with my eyes closed.

I was startled when I opened my eyes and someone was about to sit down beside me. It was Josh. Oh great. What does he want? Another fuck buddy?

He sat beside me with one of his legs bent, resting his arm on it. I took out my head phones.

"I have science and math with you." He said.

"Um, yea?"

"I'm Josh. You're the new girl, Faith, right?"

"Yup. The new girl." I said. I hate when people say that. 'The new girl'.

"Was that rude? Sorry, I know some people don't like being called 'the new people.'" Josh stood up and cleared his throat. "Ok, lemme try again." He walked down the small path a bit and started walking back. What the hell is this guy doing? He took a pencil out of his back pocket and chucked it at my knee.

"Ow!" I said with a laugh. Josh looked over, casually.

"Oh, you dropped your pencil." He came over to me and picked up HIS pencil. "Here." He gave me it.

"Um, thanks? I could've just picked that up by myself, it was right there." Josh ignored what I just said.

"Hey, I have a couple classes with you." He sat beside me again. "Faith, right?" I nodded, still not knowing what's going on. "I'm Josh."

"Didn't we just have this conversation two seconds ago?" I asked.

"Pfft. No."


"I think I wanna get to know you." He told me.

"Ok, sure?"

It was weird talking to Josh all lunch. I realized he has blue eyes. They're hypnotizing. I thought he was a serious 'gonna kick your ass' kinda guy. But he's actually funny and nice. Wait, what am I saying!? He's a partier, drinker, player... That's his mask. He's funny, nice and sweet, then after you sleep with him he drops you. Just like every guys I know.

But he did ask questions about me, which was... Nice?

We have math together so we walked there. He even sat beside me. We both can't do math for shit so we 'attempted' to help each other. I had to keep reminding myself that I CAN'T get a crush on him from his charm because, right now, it's working on me. He's just so cute...


I walked home after another long boring day of school.

That picture in my head of Josh is becoming a poster. A big fat poster of Josh is in my head. And it's not in the back anymore. I'm seeing it more often. Cody's still there too. He's one of those big signs you see when you drive down the highway.

I heard my name being called from a distance. I stopped walking and turned. Cody was running towards me. I faintly smiled and waved. We caught up to me.

"Hey." He said happily.

"Hey, I thought you lived down there?" I kinda asked as I motioned to the way he came.

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