New friend

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Aedda was left standing. Meanwhile, the black-haired boy sat on the nearest bench, scrolling through his phone. Min Hee, seeing the new unnie looking lost, frowned. She needed show this girl that her oppa wasn't scary, she had a good feeling about this babysitter. All of her previous ones didn't care much about her, just the fact that her brother was handsome. Actually, she never showed the park to anyone else, only her brother and her knew this park. When they first found it, it was designated, the swings looked rusty and the slide lost its colour. Min Hee, being the sentimental child she was, was upset and begged her oppa to make it look pretty. Now, even after it had gotten its colour back, no one came here. But her brother always brought her here, so soon it grew onto her. Looking over to Aedda, who was sitting on the edge of the bench, and her useless brother, who was still on his phone, she frowned deeper.

"Kookie-oppa! Let's show unnie our secret area!" Min Hee yelled, whilst grabbing Aedda's hand. The dark-haired boy's eyes grew wider, what is she doing?


They reached the area, which Min Hee called "secret". If it's secret then why is she showing me? Aedda's eyes widened at the sight. It was an empty field. The grass was as green as ever; the trees sorrounding the light rays, which beamed down on the river, made it glisten. There was a berry bush next to an apple tree. It was so large, Aedda couldn't believe no one else has seen it.

"Unnie, isn't it pretty?" Min Hee looked up at Aedda, the girl still lost in thought. "Unnie?" Min Hee asked, waving her hands in front of Aedda's face, making her come out of her trance, slowly nodding her head. This made the boy behind them chuckle, quickly going back into a straight face.

"Jeon Min Hee, why did you let her come here?" The boy asked, when Aedda was busy talking to her mum on the phone. Min Hee raised her eyebrow.

"For your information, Jeon Jungkook, I'm doing this for you." Min Hee stated, making Jungkook grin. His sister never used his full name, she sounded so mature when she did, it made him realise she was growing up.

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