The New School

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"We're going where for the rest of the summer?!" Jungkook, unknowingly, yelled.

"America, I don't understand why you're not happy. You were the one that complained that you didn't want to stay home for the summer." His mother replied. This was it. Jungkook and Min Hee were told to pack and that they were leaving the next morning. They didn't even have time to tell Aedda. And so, the summer was spent with the Jeons siblings away from the one person that they wanted to spend it with.

The first day of school.

The day Aedda wished came later; she wished she wouldn't have to wake up early and get dressed for her first day in high school. Back at home, she would've been happy that she would be going to the same school as her friends. But here, she has no friends and it was definitely going to be hard to find some.

Aedda rushed inside, to get herself registered, seeing that most people were already chatting with their own friends; she felt left out. Either way, she made it through the assembly for the first years and went to classroom, which she was assigned to. Inside the classroom, everyone was already sitting with their friends, leaving only one empty table. Aedda made her way towards the table, not even realising the stares she got from the other classmates. Sitting down, she sighs and looks out the window, losing herself in her own world.

Not long after, she heard some shuffling next to her and concluded that someone has sat next to her. Aedda decided there's no point being shy, so she turned around. Her eyes widened as she saw the jet black hair of the boy, whose sister she babysitted once. The boy didn't respond, instead he just looked straight.

"Don't talk to me, I don't want you to disturb my learning." Jungkook said, as bluntly as the first time they met. I guess he's back to being cold. Aedda didn't budge, and kept on staring. Jungkook sighed and turned to face the girl. Bewildered by the fact that it was the girl from the summer, he debated what to do next. Should I be nice? Or should I keep my cold image? I can't risk this, I'm sorry. With that, he turned around and focused on the teacher that was now talking.

Lunch came and both Aedda and Jungkook stayed in the classroom, since everyone else left with their friends. For a minute, they sat in utter silence.

"Shouldn't you go on with your friends?" Jungkook asked, deciding it's best to try and be alone.

"I don't have any." Aedda replied, surprising Jungkook. How can a girl like her not have friends?

"Still, I would like to be alone, so could you go?" Jungkook asked, trying his best not to sound too rude. Aedda nodded, stood up and made her way out.

She wondered around the hallway, not really wanting to go to the crowded canteen.

"Aedda?" She heard someone call her name, but carried on walking thinking it's just her being delusional.

"Aedda!" This time Aedda knew the voice, it's too familiar. She turned around, and saw the smiling boy she hasn't seen in a while.

"Baekhyun!" She ran and hugged the said male, who returned the hug.

"Hey, I didn't think you would be here. I heard you moved to Busan, it's sad I didn't see you back in the summer." Baekhyun pouted, receiving a giggle from the girl. "I thought you forgot about me!" He began to fake cry, making Aedda flustered.

"How could I forget my best friend?" She laughed, dragging Baekhyun to the canteen.

Lunch was spent with the two best friends catching up, laughing at each other's lame jokes and having a hard time saying goodbye so the could go to their classrooms. The rest of the day was quite boring, since all Aedda could think about was getting home and sleeping.

After school, Baekhyun had to head home early, so Aedda was left alone to walk home. On her way, she saw Jungkook leaving the convenience store with a bag of sweets. Maybe it's for Min Hee, she thought. Suddenly, the memory of how cold Jungkook acted popped into how mind.  She thought the time they spent with each other meant something, guess she was wrong.

She came into the apartment building, only to see Jungkook also there. Aedda stared, with her eyes wide, unlike the other who just waited for the lift doors to open. They both went inside, awkward silence filling the air. The doors opened,  and they walked towards their apartments.

Jungkook was greeted by a sulky Min Hee.

"What's wrong?" He asked, knowing the answer already.

"I miss Aedda-unnie." She replied, sniffing a bit, "can we see her on the weekends?"

Jungkook smiled, "sure." That was all he could say, because in reality, he missed her too.

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