New Official Friend

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The rest of the week went by slowly. Aedda and Baekhyun would always spend their lunch and after school together. Sometimes, Baekhyun would walk Aedda to her apartment and, sometimes, they would see Jungkook. Jungkook, being the cold guy that he is, would always ignore the burning in his heart when he sees them. Aedda, being the dense girl that she is, would never see the glares the two boys share. She would never know that these two knew each other since their last year in middle school; she will never know their history.

The weekend came and Aedda had made plans with Baekhyun, to go to the arcade. As she stepped out of her apartment, in her purple jumper and black jeans, she was stopped by an agitated little girl.

"Oh, hey Min Hee. How have you been?" Aedda asked, oblivious to the latter's feelings.

"You're going to go to your boyfriend, aren't you?" Min Hee asked, beginning to plan her tantrum in her head.

"What boyfriend? I'm just going out with a friend. I promise, I'll hang out with you tomorrow." Aedda smiled, heading towards the lift. This was bad, Min Hee didn't like it when things didn't go her way. Aedda is meant to end up with Jungkook, and no one else.

"Unnie, I want you to hang out with me today!" Min Hee yelled, running towards Aedda and wrapping her arms around her legs, crying hysterically.

Aedda became flustered, "okay, okay. I'll hang out today, just please stop crying." Min Hee instantly stopped, going back to have cheerful self and dragging Aedda towards the Jeons apartment.

Once inside, Min Hee dragged Aedda towards the living room, where her brother was watching TV. The sight of Jungkook made Aedda's heart throb. Aedda ignored the feeling, instead focused on why she was there: to play with Min Hee. Jungkook, hearing his sister's giggling, turned around and saw the person he was trying to avoid all this time. Aedda was smiling her sweet smile, the smile he forgot she even had. Jungkook suddenly felt his heart beating abnormally, but chose to ignore it and went into his room.

Why is she here? Shouldn't she be with Baekhyun? His thoughts were broken by the sudden ringing of his phone. Jungkook picked it up, speak of the devil.

"Where is she?" The angry voice, on the other line, spat.

"Who?" Jungkook decided to play dumb.

"You know who I'm talking about, where's Aedda?!" The male voice yelled, making Jungkook chuckle.

"Calm down, she's just babysitting my sister. I'm not going to do anything," Jungkook paused, why would I even say that? "Why do you care anyway, is there something going on between you two?" Of course, that's the question you should ask Jungkook, stupid.

"Why, jealous much?" Baekhyun replied, knowing that Jungkook definitely had feelings for his best friend. However, he didn't get an answer, because the latter already hung up.

Back in the living room, Min Hee noticed that Aedda was out of herself, "is everything okay, unnie?" Min Hee asked, showing concern for the older. In response, Aedda shook her head and smiled softly.

Soon after, Mr and Mrs Jeon came back from work and told Aedda that her parents came home too. Aedda excused herself, only to be stopped by Mrs Jeon.

"Why don't you ask your parents if they want to have dinner here? Wouldn't that be nice, dear?" She asked her husband, who nodded in response. Aedda did as told, and soon found herself sitting in between the Jeon siblings. The older silently eating, whilst the younger was being fed by her. Soon, Min Hee was feeling sleepy and bid everyone goodbye, before going to her room for her evening nap. Min Hee didn't even ask Jungkook to sing for her, because she thought he and Aedda needed bonding time.

The parents from both families went to the living room, to watch a game show, whilst Aedda and Jungkook washed the dishes. Aedda said she would wash them and Jungkook could dry, receiving a nod from the said boy. The silence was too much, and Jungkook desperately wanted to make this moment alone worth it.

"I'm sorry about Min Hee today, she doesn't know where to stop." Jungkook said, focusing on the plate he was drying.

Aedda smiled, "it's okay, I can go and see my friend any other time. I can't see her any time though, so I like it when we spend time together." Jungkook was dumbfounded, how could he forget she was so nice? It was like an angel itself was next to him, a very clumsy and dense angel that is.

"How's school?" Jungkook asked, thinking it would be necessary to ask since he saw she's having a hard time.

"It's good, my seatmate isn't causing me any trouble, since he never actually talks to me." Aedda joked, hearing a chuckle from the once cold boy.

"Ah, about that. I'm sorry, it's just that you never know how far the girls can go. The last time I had a girlfriend, bad things happened-"

"But, it's not like I am your girlfriend. Can't I just be a friend?" Aedda asked, now facing the boy and staring into his eyes. She didn't know how badly she just hurt him, maybe being her friend would be a good thing? Those crazy girls can't hurt her if she's just a friend, right? He nodded, receiving a smile from the girl, which he mirrored. Neither of them were aware that, not so far away, a little 4 year old was grinning widely after listening to their talk.

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