01: The Morning after

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I slowly opened my eyes, just to see Jamie shirtless about to get dresssed. He looked over at me "Good Morning" he smiled softly. I sent him a smile back "hey ". I sat up, covering my body just with the blanket. Just  after I got dressed in my underwear I stood up from the bed. I got dressed into some black skinny jeans and a blue blouse. "It was really nice yesterday..but I gotta go now or else I'm gonna miss my sisters trial." Jamie said before giving me a quick kiss on my lips, I don't know why he did that. He smiled at me one last time before getting out. After he went away I did my Make up and put my hair into a ponytail. I got dressed into my blazer before taking my handbag and leaving the hotel room.

Me and my boss are supposed to meet in front of the courtroom. My boss is the assistant district attorney Erin Reagan and I am her new partner slash assistant. I didnt know what she looks like which is why I stood there, pretty useless. "Mrs. Talbot?" I turned around "yes are you Mrs.Reagan?"  I smiled as she nooded. Mrs.Reagan looked like a woman that had the control over her life. "We still have half an hour until the court begins, how about I introduce you to the case by a cup of coffee?" Mrs. Reagan smiled genuinely at me.

By now we already were in the courtroom, the case was about a killed husband and everything looked as if the wife was the murderer.

" This is a very familiar story; the defended, Ann Delemar, the twentyeight year old night club hostess, when she met Samuel Delemar, a much older investment councler and a multi millionair. They met, they married, they did not live happily ever after" Mrs. Reagan was having everyones attention. I heard someone coming inside the room but I didnt really pay attention, I was way too focused on Mrs.Reagan. "the people represent evidence that shows the defended enjoyed her husbands money more  than she enjoyed her husband. She had affairs they cured and after one final bitter argument in front of shocked witnesses, she returned to the town house that she shared with her husband and stabbed him to death" After that Mrs.Reagan sat down next to me and the lawyer of Mrs.Delemar stood up.

"Miss Reagan told you this was a familiar story ,well, maybe it is familiar to her because she has seen too many stories with spells or villains where married people dont actually love each other. I dont know maybe she is reading something in here from her own experience, from her own divorce."

Mrs.Reagan immediatly stood up "Your honor" she was trying to shut that ass of an lawyer up since he was bringing her personal life into this whole thing.

"Mr.Kelly the councils personal life is not relevant to anybody in this trial" the judge said.

"Sorry Judge, of course it isnt. What matters here is Ann Delemars personal life, which has been shattered by the death of her husband she loved. A death in which the so called evidence against her is nothing but an anent stereotype. Yes, she is young and attractive but so are millions of women. So are with all dear respect Miss Talbot and Miss Raegan. Does that mean any man they marry has to watch his back?" Mrs. Reagan stood up for both of us and Mr. Kelly immediately said "sorry". Mrs.Reagan sat down again."Bad example. What the evidence will show is that Ann Delemar had nothing to do with this murder. We will show that Samuel Delemar was engaged in a shadowy business arrangement with atleast one other man. A man known as 'M', that he coralt with this man and that the authoritys failed to pursued this clear caught suspect, because they had conviniently in hand; a familiar suspect. The pretty, young wife."

When the trial was finally over me and Mrs.Reagan went out.

"I am going to get myself a coffee, you want one too, Mrs Reagan?" I asked Mrs. Reagan while pointing towards the small coffeeshop. "Oh, I would love to have one and please, just call me Erin."She smiled at me. "Will do. Black or with milk?" "With Milk,please. I will wait outside for you, I saw my brother in the trial and I am guessing he is already waiting for me." I nooded, just to show her I am okay with that, before getting us the coffee.

When I went outside to  get to Erin I saw her at the end of the stairs talking to a familiar face. Familiar as in 'I-slept-with-him-last-night'familiar. Just as I walked downstairs Jamie laughed and then went away. "Here is your coffee"I handed Erin her coffee-to-go as she thanked me for that."Who was that guy that went away before I came ?" I smiled at her and then took a sip of my coffee. "That was my little brother, Jamie, he is actually a police officer but I guess he has decided to watch his sisters trial on his free day" she laughed a little. "Wouldnt normal people go to sleep then?" I laughed  along to her. "Actually yes, well what do you think about your first day so far?" "I think that guy Mr. Kelly is a huge jerk,but other than that it was pretty interesting so far." I stopped talking when my phone started vibrating. "Is it okay if I go for now? I need to look at an apartment,since I am not going to live in a hotel forever" Erin let me go for today so I went to look at that apartment.


The next morning me and Erin were back in the courtroom. She told me all about what happened the last day and I kind of feel bad for, still, thinking he is an asshole. So now we continued the trial.The housemaid of the Delemars was talking about how she saw the wife nealing over the dead body of her husband with a letter opener covered with blood. After she was questioned from both sides about the relationship of the Delemars and other stuff we made a break which is why I went out the room with Erin. Somebody stopped us and before the man could reach us Erin told me that that is her older brother Danny who is a detective as well.

"Just in time to buy me lunch unless you gonna request me for murder" Erin said as soon as he reached us.

"Actually it is neither, I have a date with Ms.Marshall" Danny said.

"The defendence I'm charging ?" "Well that is in your world, in my world she is the victims partner..oh come on apparently Kelly was trying to find some mysterious 'M' person that got him killed"

Erin rolled her eyes. "Seriously? You too? Seems as if that M is all over the case" I kinda whispered the last part to myself which is why they did not really hear me. "What do you mean me 'too'? Who are you even?"Danny asked being curious. "This, Danny, is my new assistant Rosanna Talbot. The defence is pointing to some phandom M as the actual killer" "Well that is the Delewal case, I am dealing with the Kelly case. Ms.Marshall said Kelly was trying to find somebody named Monroe or something...Look somebody gives me information on a humacide , I got to look into it" "It was looked into by a little organisation called the New York City Police Department,you may have heard of it" Erin answered her brother pretty annoyed . "And?" Danny was now annoyed as well. "Not a trace" "Alright.." Danny interrupted his sister "that was then, this is now" "Oh well, fine why dont you look for a one armed man" "What are you talking about? A one armed man?" Danny seemed pretty confused. "Look, Kelly was a slicebag defence attorney who would slice his clients. Anybody could have killed him" Erin calmed down trying to explain it. "So what?" "I think she wants to say that you are being used" I interrrupted "Okay you know what? If I am being used I Make that determination by myself alright?" "Oh I certainly hope so""And There wasnt one armed man, he had one arm I saw the movie" They got interrupted in their agumentation by the one person I actually hoped wouldnt appear here,Jamie ."Hey, sorry I am late,what did I miss?"mentioned person said. Erin and Danny stood next to each other, towards Jamie."Nothing" both said at the same time, seeming pretty annoyed. "Wow I can clearly see how you are siblings" and I swear to god I could have slapped myself for that, because this is just how Jamie did notice me.

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One Officer, please (Jamie Reagan Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now