12: He'll be fine

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I woke up by soft kisses caressing my back. I smiled. I turned around smiling, he looked me into the eyes.
"Good morning." he whispered before kissing my shoulder.
"Morning" I smiled at him. "when do you have work today?"
"Around 5 pm, what about you?"
"At 4." I gave him a soft kiss.
"I would love to lay here with you all day." he told me.
"That would be nice, but I am kinda starving." I grinned at him and stood up, getting dressed in my underwear whilst doing so. I grabbed the best thing near to me, which just so happened to be Jamies shirt.

After we were done with breakfast we made out for a while when Jamies phone ringed. He looked pretty worried and shocked.
"What happened?" I asked him when he ended the phone call.
"Sean, Dannys son, he got into an accident and he is laying unconciously in the hospital." he told me still rattled.
"Oh god... I can drive you if you want." I offered him, I surely did not want him to drive whilst being this worried, and his car wasn't here anyway.
"That would be good."

I took Jamies hand when we were in the car.
"He'll be fine, Jamie." I squeezed his hand to assure him.

When we got to the others we did a little smalltalk with them and when the question popped up why I was with Jamie we simply told them that he was helping me out with something and I gave him a ride.
Danny rushed in to all of us hugging his other son Jack and asking how sean was. Shortly after the doctor came and told them that Sean suffered a Brain trauma and that that has caused his brain to completely bruise, obviously she used terms most people who did not go to med school wouldn't understand. And she kept on using medical expressions to describe his current condition when I was understanding her perfectly well.
"They dont know what he has and as long as his brain is swollen the can't find out what he has for sure, which is why they can't give him steroids or anything because depending on what it is, it could cause some damage." I told the others, since I saw Danny was really trying to understand.

"That pretty much sums it up, we just need to give him some more time , maybe a night or a few days." The doctor went away, Jamie also walked a few steps away when he got a call from his dad.
I told Erin that she should stay with her family and I would work on her cases the next few days, she first did not want me to work more than I needed but I did not really leave her a choice.

I went earlier than needed to work and worked on some cases, creating arguments for the upcoming trials and other things. The next day I texted both Erin and Jamie asking how Sean but also they were doing. Both told me that there wasn't much change. That day I also worked nearly the whole day on cases.

The day after that, Sunday, I decided to get them something to eat from outside the hospital, I was sure that atleast Linda didn't leave her son. That is why I decided to get some chinese and Italian food and some drinks into the hospital, when I had my break.

Danny was the first of the Reagan family that I saw when I entered the hospital. He was probably on his way to get himself a coffee.
"Mrs. Talbot, what are you doing here?" he asked me curious.
"I thought I could drop by some food, I am sure all of you didn't eat something proper in the last few days." I smiled at him when he took a few bags off of me, walking with me towards the elevator.
"I figured I couldn't do anything wrong with chinese and italian." I told him when I saw him looking into the bags.
The elevator ride turned out to be silent, Danny drifted off with his thoughts to Sean.
Finally the doors opened and we got out of the elevator. We walked towards the others who were seated infront of Sean's room.

"Look who got us some food." Danny caught everyones attention, making them look up. Jamie immediatly stood up to take some bags off of us and the others also helped placing everything on a large table.
I went into Sean's room when I noticed that Linda was still in there, I stood next to her.
"There is food outside waiting to be eaten you know?" I gave her a soft smile, which she returned.
"I will be there in a bit."she told me.
"Linda I can't imagine what this must be like for you but I am positive he will wake up, because one thing I have learned about this family is that you don't give up, you keep fighting until it's over and I'm sure that is what he is doing right now... another thing I am sure of is that he doesn't want the most important person in his world to only eat hosital food, so go and enjoy some more proper food." She looked at me sympathic. "I can see why Jamie likes you that much." I got confused what the hell had Jamie to do with this? but before I could ask her she was already out of the room. I shook my head smiling in silence behind her.
I got out of the room and took my bag which I layed down on a chair earlier. I went to the elevator and waited for it to arrive when Jamie appeared next to me.
"Don't you wanna eat with us?" he asked me confused.

"I would but I don't have much time, maybe another time." I smiled at him when the elevator arrived. I got into the elevator and turned towards the doors, we smiled at each other softly til the doors closed.

"I don't know if you can hear me or if this even works but if it does and you are really up there, Bryce, don't let them take him. He is too young and he has a family here that needs him, a family that loves him. Please make sure he gets back to them, back to his parents and his brother... I have never missed you like I do right now, little brother. I love you..." a single tear fell down on the ground when I stood up from beside his grave and went back to my car.

Finally, I was home laying in my bed after I took a shower to get all the sweat off of me. So now I was laying here in my Calvin Klein slip and a cropped grey sweater, made out of a thin and soft material, with no bra underneath, being tired as hell, even though it was just 11 pm but then again I worked till 10 pm. Therefore it might be relatable how hard it was for me to stand up from my bed when the door rang and actually open it, before I grabbed some bathrobe that I put on.
"Hey." he smiled at me.
"Hey, come in."I smiled back. He got in and I closed the door, when I turned around I already saw him laying in my bed, with his shoes off, I put the robe aside and layed down next to him.
"Whats wrong,Jamie?" I looked at him and finally he turned his head towards me.
"Thank you." was the only thing he said. I gave him a confused look. "..for today and for just being there." he continued.
"Jamie that's nothing you need to thank me for." I told him.
"You look tired, were you about to sleep?" he changed the theme sitting up.
"Yeah but you can stay if you want." I grabbed his arm when he was about to stand up.

We were laying next to each other, trying to sleep when I felt his hand taking mine and struggling to interwine our fingers with each other. A smile came upon my face. And with that I fell asleep.

The next day I woke up by a phone ringing and it took me a while to realize that it was Jamies phone who was ringing, I didn't even notice that Jamie already picked up. I turned towards Jamie to look at him until he ended the call.
"Sean woke up.."he told me with a smile in his face. I smiled back.
"That's great" I was glad to see him this happy.

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