07:Mothers Day

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So I did put two episodes( last two episodes of season 2) into one chapter bc I didn't quite know where to put Rosanna in those episodes.

The last few days were pretty normal, I didn't get to do much but wake up, get to work,get home and sleep. And I don't have the feeling it will change much anytime soon.

I was on my way home when my phone started ringing.
"Hello Jamie, everything alright?"I answered my phone, wondering why he was calling.
"Hey, yes,well no..actually I don't know. I guess I just wanted to talk to someone."
"Why, what's wrong?"
"I think a friend is in danger and even though I want to I can't help him, there are rules and boundaries I need to hold."
"If he's really your friend, then you should help him no matter what holds you against it."
"Yeah I guess so, you think you can come over tomorrow?"jamie asked me.
"I'd like to, but I need to work, sorry."
"No it's okay." And then he hung up.

I didn't hear from Jamie the next few days, so I went back to my routine, the only difference being that I bought a car.

Since Mother's Day is coming around I was thinking on going home for a while,I wasn't sure though, but for now I was going to Dannys department since he wanted to ask me for a favour (he must've gotten my number from Erin). Just as I was coming in Danny was getting in a different room with Jamie,both seemed pretty upset. I stood on the outside looking in through a window, and it seemed like they were arguing really bad, it was Danny who then began shouting, after Jamie responded to Danny with,what seemed to be, watering eyes he wanted to get out but Danny pushed him back into the room and against some lockers. Both stared fighting and that was when I rushed in, Dannys partner right behind me. Danny was held back by his partner while me annd some guy in a uniform held jamie back. Jamie was sent away by the officer, not looking at me once whilst danny stayed in the room with his partner.
"So what's that favour you need from me?" I asked Danny.
"Could you maybe pick up the Mothers Day food? No guy in the family has time to do that"He asked me rubbing his forehead.
"Sure,will do that." I said heading towards the door.
"By the way Danny, you should really stop being such an ass towards your little brother,before you regret it as soon as something happens. " I said before heading out.

"Stop it! Stop acting like this! Mom is dead and what are you doing?! You're going around with that junkie?!" I yelled at my older sister as she was getting dressed to go out with her 'oh-so-great' drug dealing boyfriend.
"stop talking about her alright? She's dead and I'm not gonna rod in this hell hole like all of you, I'm moving on with my life and so should you unless you wanna end up like our father. And by the way stop acting as if you were my mother." She rolled her eyes annoyed.
"Oh should I maybe act like you? Should I fuck around acting like a slut like you? Should I find me some dealer to hang with? I don't know why you've changed that much but I sure as hell know that I hate you and the person you've become! You wanna live your life? Go ahead!" I got louder as I opened the door for her. "Go! Leave us alone, we don't need you! Go, act like a little bitch and get yourself killed! I don't care what'll happen to you from now! I hate you and as soon as you go out this door you won't be part of this family!" She looked me in the eyes,hers turning cold. She grabbed her jacket and got out and little did I know that those would be the last words I said to her.

After being done at work I went to get the things Danny asked me for and brought them to the comissioners place where Henry took all the food. He thanked me and asked me if I wanted to eat with them on mothers day but I denied his offer telling him I had lots to do.

Back in the office I went into Erin's office after knocking.
"Hey can I talk to you for a second?" I smiled at her.
"Sure, come in. Is everything alright?" She took a seat and looked at me as I sat down in front of her.
"I just wanted to tell you that I'll be staying here for Mother's Day so I can probably work on a few cases,if you don't mind."
"You don't wanna see your family?" Erin looked at me surprised.
"Oh no I'd love to but my family isn't at home temporarily." I smiled trying to not think too much about my family.
"Are you sure you wanna stay here? You could come to our place and join us?"
"That's really nice but I need some alone time.."

"Well fine, there might be some cases that could use a second look anyway." Erin gave me a kind smile before letting me go to continue working on a case.

Mother's Day did not completely suck.
Not even the part in which I went into a completely empty office. 
Or the part in which I sat on a desk with about 7 files ahead of me, trying to bury myself into work so I would not need to think about all the loses I had in my life so far.

There is not a day in my life in which I did not miss my family and there definitely has not been a day in my life in which I did not wish for my family to come back or for me to be with them, but that is hard when half your family is not even on earth anymore.

1000 Words and a little bit about Rosannas past.

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